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Thread: The things I have learned from Shit Hitting the Fan: True story in progress

  1. #1
    Garden? I'll show you a garden....
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    Sep 2011

    The things I have learned from Shit Hitting the Fan: True story in progress

    In August shit did hit the fan for our little farm. Out of nowhere the Army gave Big J a 40 day report notice in July for NY on indefinite assignment. Try as he might he couldn’t get them to see they were out of their gourds and not only was there no way we could relocate financially…I am sorry have you seen the housing market lately? We have a junior in high school. The kid has already moved 8 times in his academic career. We have a lot of livestock, how do you even begin to destock in 40 days in this market?

    So now for exactly 3 months, we have been financially responsible for two households. At his rank he isn’t permitted to live in the barracks and has to live on the economy. That’s right folks, his rent in NY for a 2 bedroom tiny hole is almost the same as our mortgage for 7 acres. Two sets of power, two sets of internet/phone bills, two sets of grocery bills…..We weren’t sure how we would survive.
    Luckily, we have been living off the farm for quite some time literally. I had gotten our grocery budget (including all toiletries, cleaning products etc) down to $300 a month for a family of 4 about two years ago. For two years I have been able to produce about 80 % of our own meat/produce/eggs and milk. By selling soap and produce the farm pretty much pays for the livestock feed and vet bills, so that part was a wash.
    Starting in August my grocery bill for the kids and I went to zero. Every penny went to the NY budget and is covering food and utilities there. By hustling my butt off I have managed to ramp up more soap sales and took the soap sales and proceeds from the CSA from the summer and put it all in savings to pay for the household necessities of anything I can’t produce myself. To date, we are still not behind, and are not going without a single thing. To date we still have no credit cards. To date we have paid for Big J to fly back for early Thanksgiving and have a ticket already purchased for Christmas.

    Alot of things go into this success, not the least of which is because I have been an avid canner for years and we have so much canned goods, meat and dry goods stored the kids and I could eat out of there pretty much indefinitely by carefully restocking with every penny I make from the farm. Second, I am not a shopper, I never really have been, so I don't feel "without" by not hitting the store for retail therapy. Third, we practice Big picture thinking here, together. This is important for couples and individuals alike. We know that long term this is the right decision, its a hardship we will grow from, and in the end, we are where we are meant to be.

    Lessons Learned at 3 months (I think I'll update quarterly)
    Be prepared: store atleast a year’s worth of food: we’ve needed it
    Be resilient: right now I have moments of quiet desperation where I want to just lay down and cry from running the farm by myself as Big J sits in NY, but each and every day I am back up at 4 am, to do it all over again.
    Be neighborly: I have great friends and family, and because of them my life is rich without spending a penny. I always have food and they always have cheer and my house is still filled with laughter even in our discontent.
    Be grateful: Every time I get down, I just remind myself how much I have here in my little hobbit hole, and throw my muck boots back on, and head back outside.
    Be challenged: Preshtf you CAN set goals for yourself. You have that luxury. Post shtf, you MUST set goals for yourself and stretch your limits. Stretching your limits will allow you to live far better on far less than you could possibly imagine.
    Last edited by ravensgrove; 11-15-2011 at 11:32 PM.

  2. #2
    Crotch Rocket

    mitunnelrat's Avatar
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    The like isn't for the situation, but your mentality. The response to your situation speaks of strength and resilience to me, and I really am most impressed. Thank you too for your willingness to share of your situation, andthe "lessons learned" summary, its real life experience that all of us can benefit from greatly.
    Consilio et animis


  3. #3
    I'll most likely shit myself

    bacpacker's Avatar
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    Wow Raven, what an example you all are! I am so impressed with how you have been able to work things out. I know you are gonna be happy over Thanksgiving and Christmas to have the whole family together..
    I like the lesson's learned, there is a lot of wisdom in that list. IMO it would pay everyone on here to take a good look at them and consider it closely.
    Thanks for sharing this.

  4. #4
    Does NOT use a snake bit sucker kit on snake bits

    Evolver's Avatar
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    I tip my hat to you Raven.

  5. #5
    Queen of the Doom Room
    JustAPrepper's Avatar
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    Raven, this is one of the best posts I've read in a long time...on any board.

    Not *because* of your struggles, but because you are a true, working plan in progress and you are making it happen. Something we, in our limited capacity, are trying to achieve.

    Best wishes to you and yours.

  6. #6
    Garden? I'll show you a garden....
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    Sep 2011
    Thanks everyone. I forgot the most important LL: KEEP YOUR SENSE OF HUMOR. If I am not saying it, Big J is "you have to laugh because its just so ridiculous".


  7. #7
    Do NOT mess with him while he's pumping gas.

    ak474u's Avatar
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    Thank you for your sacrifice, it's spouses like you making sacrifices that no one ever hears about, we only hear of the men and women who get blown up or disabled, and while they are heroes, so are the families of the fighting men and women. Have you thought about writing a blog about what it's like to be left behind and sustain yourself and the family? It would be an interesting read for prep minded people and those left holding the bag due to deployments. I assure you there are other spouses out there not doing as well as you. If nothing else, do a journal for the future. Your grandkids will see dark days in their lives just like the ones we are going thru now, and like our grandparents survived.

  8. #8
    Dont worry about shitting yourself
    Gunfixr's Avatar
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    That is awesome. You are living proof that it can be done. Not that it isn't difficult, but then nothing worth achieving is easy.

    Keep your nose up, even though it may be out of sight still, there is light at the other end of the tunnel.

  9. #9
    stark assed naked and butt to nut with no issues
    Stormfeather's Avatar
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    As a military man, I can only echo the sentiments of all here. You are doing a great, keep your head up and your sense of humor!

  10. #10
    Garden? I'll show you a garden....
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    The farm has a pretty extensive Facebook page and website, I just don't pimp it here. But if you googled Raven's Grove Family'd find me pretty quick like. As for blogging itself...I try I really do, but I am also finishing up the tail end of Grad school and the volume of writing for my thesis sort of detracts from the blogging itself. I keep a very long winded, snarky journal.



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