View Poll Results: What Is Your Religion?

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  • Catholic

    0 0%
  • Baptist

    3 17.65%
  • LDS

    1 5.88%
  • Orthodox

    1 5.88%
  • Lutheran

    0 0%
  • Judaism

    1 5.88%
  • Buddhist

    1 5.88%
  • Atheist

    1 5.88%
  • Other- and if so, What?

    5 29.41%
  • Non-Practicing Anything

    4 23.53%
Multiple Choice Poll.
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Thread: We now know Age Groups, How about Religion?

  1. #11
    Crotch Rocket

    mitunnelrat's Avatar
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    I've felt a similar pull, and still do. My favorite bit of woods brings me more peace than anywhere else I go.

    My first interest in religion/ spirituality was actually pagan for this very reason. That, and the Wiccan who piqued my curiosity was also smoking hot.

    That was in high school. I went a lot of years aftef that with no clear path or belief. Generally disgusted with the hypocrisy and attitude I'd see professed Christians displaying, knowing my own moral code was superior to what they displayed. Then I met some genuinely good people and, over time, took a closer look.

    These days I call myself a cannibal. Its a bit of an inside joke a buddy and I share regarding the one word prayer and one of the arguments I would make against Christianity. I'd call communion ritualistic cannibalism, which I've since taken myself.

    Cannibal? Cannibal.

    Ive struggled lately though, sharing many of the same conflicts Ive seen written here, and also knowing I helped destroy the best relationship Ive ever had because I took a sermon more to heart than her love...

    I'll still claim a Judeo-Christian ethic, but I'm definitely non-practicing right now.
    Consilio et animis


  2. #12
    Bacon saver

    Brownwater Riverrat 13's Avatar
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    Agreed Eagle, for the only place I ever found my place at peace was on the sea, be it in it, under it, surfing it, or fighting it from pulling me under. The ocean is mighty, beautiful and filled with wonder and yet she never gives up her secrets. The Ocean is where I will lay my ashes. As for the rest of this Earth there is no better place to be than in the wilderness. Everything you need to survive is out there you just have to know where to look and how to use it. Out there is my church, you can't get any closer to "The Great Spirit", God, or whom ever superior being that you might believe is the one creator of all living things. But being out "there" is where it's at, that is my conclusion. You can't get that in a building with a bunch of people preaching what they think they know. Just my roll a quarters. Take care of this Earth people...........take care of this country.
    Last edited by Brownwater Riverrat 13; 04-05-2014 at 04:13 AM.
    Be safe.............the night is your friend.

  3. #13
    Where's the epi?

    ladyhk13's Avatar
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    I was raised LDS and since I've never been excommunicated I guess technically I still am but just not practicing. Around high school I started becoming disillusioned with the church when we went from a very small ward where people followed all the rules to a huge one where as soon as they got to the parking lot I saw people light up cigarettes. It didn't fit. Then I started questioning the gospel itself. Was Joseph Smith really a profit? Was the angel Moroni real? Never found Moroni in the bible, was Smith self proclaimed? Once I questioned the basic foundation of the church I felt I couldn't believe in the rest of it even though there are so manny other good teachings in the church.

    I still struggle with this today because I have always felt closer to the Jewish teachings and felt that is really where I was supposed to be. I knew I could not convert due to my belief in Jesus but my heart has always been there. Recently I found there is a Messianic Jewish church with Jews who do believe in Jesus but I'm too old now to convert.

    So as of now I am more spiritual, I say my prayers, try to follow the path The Lord wants me to live, be kind to people except for those I consider are an enemy to my faith, country and family. I ask Him for guidance and know that He may not always answer my prayers but there is a plan greater than I. I still try to remember the good things I learned from the church and incorporate them into my life.
    I apologize for nothing...

  4. #14
    Senior Member

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    I believe in God, though for a long time I questioned. Mostly, as I get older I realize through life experiences that even more than I believe in Him, He believes in me. And it's changed my perspective on life/existence, etc. I was raised fundaMENTAL was a bit of a trip, really. Like, "Westboro Baptist Church" Baptist. Nuts. I rebelled against that and was a "problem child" for my parents because I wouldn't quietly go along with what I felt was totally and completely wrong. I have this opinionated, stubborn streak......I believe in the God of the Bible, but I also know that most people, especially religious bullies, approach that book with agenda in mind, twist it and use it to control and manipulate people with. Which is basically how I was brought up. Dad "converted", sobered up, and stopped hitting people with his fists, swapped out for beating with the Bible instead. He hasn't stopped yet. Its left a bitter taste, to say the least. Any faith I have is in spite of my religious upbringing, not because of it.
    "Treason to tyranny is fidelity to liberty."

  5. #15
    Stalkercat...destroyer of donkeys, rider of horse

    izzyscout21's Avatar
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    I'm a Believer. I believe in Christ and His teachings. I've been around long enough to witness His hand in my life. I was raised in the Church of Christ, and as such have a simplistic view of church organization and worship. I am not a fan of mega churches or any kind of denominational heirarchy, as I feel these detract from the focus of Christ's teachings. likewise, I'm not a fan of assigning "rank" or "position" within the church structure. I attend worship to do just that, worship. Im just as comfortable alone in the woods with my creator.

    That said, I don't look down on other denominations or religions. It simply is not my place to judge. I am not the gatekeeper, and have no say over who get in or doesnt.
    Unlike many people within the umbrella of "Christianity", I do make an effort to welcome anyone into the fold, regardless of their background, experiences, circumstances, or position in life. I get very angry at those who try to exclude others based on any of these or their perceived "sin"...... Those are the very folks Christ associated with. Again, I am not the judge.

    I get angry at the Bible thumpers that throw their religion and condemnation in other's faces. Those people need to go back and read the book.

    I have many things I know that one day I'll answer for. I struggle on a daily basis, as do we all. Grace is my crutch, and I lean heavily on it.

    And now, may the Great Scoutmaster, friend of all scouts.......
    WARNING: This post may contain material offensive to those who lack wit, humor, common sense and/or supporting factual or anecdotal evidence. All statements and assertions contained herein may be subject to but not limited to: irony, metaphor, allusion and dripping sarcasm.

  6. #16
    Senior Member

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    I was raised Catholic and my husband was raised Lutheran, but we had such a bad experience with his church after getting married that neither one of us has been to a church since. I'm kind of shocked that my husband isn't motivated to find a new church since he was very involved with his, and I have been on his back about getting our daughter baptized for years now. I don't care to go back to a Catholic church, but the Lutheran churches I have been to make me uncomfortable. Time to find a new religion, I guess.

  7. #17
    Walking on Sunshine

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    Also raised Catholic but had a Jewish great grandmother, we celebrated Chanukah every other year while she was alive (made it a bit confusing at Christmastime). My Grand mamma was Church of England , she converted to Catholic to marry grandfather but didn't "believe all the propaganda" the church was espousing. Her words not mine. I believe that organized religion was created by an elite few to control the masses to the detriment of everyone. I believe that God is God is God, etc How one honors him is their preference.I try to do right by my fellow man, I honor the Earth and all her creatures (yes including those evil, yucky spiders) AND I REALLY try to do "unto others as I would have they do unto me". Not always successful as I am a fallible human but I keep trying.

  8. #18
    Where's the epi?

    ladyhk13's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Katrina View Post
    Also raised Catholic but had a Jewish great grandmother, we celebrated Chanukah every other year while she was alive (made it a bit confusing at Christmastime). My Grand mamma was Church of England , she converted to Catholic to marry grandfather but didn't "believe all the propaganda" the church was espousing. Her words not mine. I believe that organized religion was created by an elite few to control the masses to the detriment of everyone. I believe that God is God is God, etc How one honors him is their preference.I try to do right by my fellow man, I honor the Earth and all her creatures (yes including those evil, yucky spiders) AND I REALLY try to do "unto others as I would have they do unto me". Not always successful as I am a fallible human but I keep trying.
    Agreed except the yukky spiders. I always knew if I went to hell I would be tormented with them.
    I apologize for nothing...

  9. #19
    Premium Member
    greg48's Avatar
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    Raised n the Methodist Church, my wife is Catholic, I've been ask by my wife and in-laws to convert, my answer is I can worship God in my own way, God doesn't really care what Church it's in. I have attended Church at the hood of a gun truck many times. Church and God isn't the problem, it's the people in the Churchs. I do know combat and death will bring people to Church that didn't normally go.

  10. #20
    may be in trouble

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    I've thought long and hard before replying to this thread, especially in light of opinions I have voiced in other threads.

    First off: the poll has an "other"... when I have confirmation that 'other' includes "none of your business", I'll participate.

    I'm pleased to see that spirituality is being addressed in a prepper website.

    That said, if any of you folks are going to use a faith as the final concern for being a member of whatever group, say so and have done.

    One must be a particularly primitive form of Baptist to be a member of the Westboro Baptist Church. One must be Muslim to be in ISIS. One must be Christian (I think) to be a member of the Ku Klux Klan.

    I recall, with very tightened throat and much face raining, pictures of military field 'huddle' services, bunches of men huddled in prayer, always with one man left out. His part was to protect.

    I'll shut up now.



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