Figured it might be fun to revisit this one.

My major change is in eyewear. I must live hard or something, because I trashed out my prescription eyeglasses. Bad.

Broken frame and lenses-that-look-like-they-took-a-round-of-birdshot bad.

Anyway, I hit on an option that saved on up front cost since I was still planning on getting to TN then (it will add up eventually, but eye pro is worth it imo), and should weather my lifestyle a lot better: Oakley's SI M Frame 2.0 Strike Array and a set of complimentary contacts with my eye exam.

The versatility of the M Frame has me impressed. The array came with a clear lens, a gray lens, the frame, a hard case, soft carry bag, head strap, and an antifog solution. The equivalent in RX eye wear would have cost me somewhere between $200 and $500+. I found these on ebay for $90, and they retail for $160-$190. Also, I wouldn't have been able to get ANSI rated lenses in anything other than clear - unlike the gray lens in the array.

Since I only use one eye, the ballistic and ANSI ratings were much of what drove my choice. As stated, I can get rough on glasses, and these should be equal to the task. The wrap around protection is another nice feature here.

Another advantage is I can get other lenses as time goes on. Amber for shooting, and most notably, prescription lenses. I can even get the prescription in a different lens style than the non-prescription if I want. The Hybrid lens looks good for this.

Finally, they're also designed for helmet and NV compatibility. I don't run around with a kevlar strapped on, but it'll be nice with my motorcyle helmet. I don't have NV yet either, but its one less integration issue I'll have when I do get some.