One thing I do is pick up 4-5 canned goods every time I'm at the grocery store. I prefer to shop at Publix, so whenever I see canned goods on sale (2 for $1, buy one get one, etc.) I ensure I toss a couple in my cart. It's an easy way to keep building up supplies in no time.

I also always make sure I have a decent amount of rice and beans on hand. It may not be tasty, but it sure can pull me through. Also, I've relied on these when times were rough, as there was a 5 week period where all I ate was rice, beans and ramen noodles. I was living on about $3 a week for food, and I made it out the other side just fine and much better financially.

I guess what I'm getting at is: stock up on things as if you may need it if the SHTF, but don't hesitate to crack them open when life gets bumpy. And as I see it, life's fittin' to get a lot bumpier...