Save a copy of all our important Documents on CD/USB drive and place it with a parent/bank lock box/BoB.
Insure your residence appropriately.
I have Fire Extinguishers around my residence.
Smoke alarms are in each area. They are all main line Voltage activated with battery back up.
Safe:I have documents backed up.
Don't have a company 'monitor' your house if you allow it they know what and where you got (if you include video surveillance)

Last night we had golf ball hail, water rose to where it was 20' from my fence (normally about 100 yards from my fence) and tornadoes close by. Wife and I went to bed fully clothed with the documents and key items at a fast exiting point to grab on the way out. And always have the hounds from hell sleeping in our bedroom at the foot of the bed. In order it goes weapons, documents, dogs and shoes. Then exit as a team never solo.