Quote Originally Posted by Twitchy View Post
where do i signup?

eh... We have a fire safe, good for 30 minutes active fire, fire extinguishers, smoke alarms, etc...

Now, when i get a place of my own fire prevention will probably be one of the largest preps i have simply because I've dealt with a house fire in the past... if i have my way, sprinklers in the main residence, with a 500 or 1000 GPM water pump hooked up to a water source with 2 inch and a half attack lines... preferably, on a mobile platform (Gator, pickup, you get the idea)... That would be useful for any number of things from small grass fires, bonfires that get out of control, etc. Not cheap though :/

edit: If this post didn't make any sense, its because i was tired!
It's ok, everyone is allowed brain farts once in a while