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Thread: What have you done to prep this week?

  1. #3851
    Bacon saver

    Brownwater Riverrat 13's Avatar
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    Oct 2011
    Inventoried, then rearranged in order of necessity. Brother "Izzy" dropped by an aided in "zero" checking all my semi's. After the move I figured things might have gotten "tweaked" on maybe one or two. Still have to check the bolts. Now that I have a spot cleared out in the "AMB" I can set up a table to do the "BOB's" an other such gear. Time for the seasons to change as does your inventory, "uniform change".

    SO AS A REMINDER TO ALL: Time to check your "BOB's", inventory and change out to warmer weather. Besides.......sometimes shit goes bad in your bag, and sometimes makes a mess. Lesson learned, get a suitable substitute. Change expired meds, etc.
    Be safe.............the night is your friend.

  2. #3852
    Walking on Sunshine

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    Feb 2012
    Mid Michigan
    Checking in. Went to get DH's script (during SR hour) and picked up a few things while at the store.Things (meat) are getting scarcer and more expensive.DH 's eyebrows went up when I gave him the receipt this morning. When I got home this am, low and behold the thermometer I've been waiting on(5 weeks now) FINALLY showed up, so we can stop using the LED meat thermometer HA HA HA. AND then DH told me sump is going out, he's sleeping in basement to keep an eye on it and it's raining AGAIN. Will have to call and see if the basement guys can come out to replace it THIS week. But on a good note we got almost 9 years out of this one. Township has been fixing the drainage around town so the sump wasn't running EVERY 15 minutes October to August. Got a lot of water here and I swore it was all in my back yard LOL.Other than than we are doing good, missing the grand kids more than usual. Guess it's because we can't just go over to see them when we want as Son2 is still working in the public and he will not take the chance he'll infect us .The other two are back with the psycho and are missing Dad and DIL1, the baby sister. They are still okay but Son 1 is still having problems getting his unemployment.Can't raise anyone in the office. He went there last Monday and no one was there. He did get a good residual from another movie. but that won't last long. Told them again if it gets too bad, get the two older ones, get here but DIL1 says so far things are okay in the stores.He thinks there's a good chance he'll be back to work sooner than later. Am a bit worried about how it's going around here. Most of my neighborhood has been real quiet but since we live near the big city worried about what is going to happen in the near future when certain people can't get their stuff. Good to hear from you Vodin. Been wondering how you were doing.BRR, how's Izzy doing? Will check in again Stay safe all and God help us.

  3. #3853
    Senior Member

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    near Pasadena, Ca.
    During this period of house arrest, we used a few items from our stored preps. However, we have also stocked up on a few more items so our stored supplies are now a bit larger than when this covid-19 began.

  4. #3854
    I'll most likely shit myself

    bacpacker's Avatar
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    We have mostly just ate our normal pantry items. Order food on-line and pick it up. We don't get everything we order, but more than enough to get by. We have tried to order extra of stuff along the way too. Then recently things have lightened up some and I have made 2-3 trips thru a couple of grocery stores and tried to stock up on meat in particular and other goods. At this point we are better stocked than when the covid event started. With getting the garden started I feel we are in decent shape. Not great and could make more improvments, but don't feel bad about where we are.

  5. #3855
    Walking on Sunshine

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    Mid Michigan
    I went to my “fresh” store yesterday AM as they had whole beef tenderloin on sale $9.99 lb. DH and I thought we could cut the loin in half, vac seal it and put it in the Freezer for Christmas and then cut the other half in half for us and Son 2. Got there at 6:45 am, store Sr hour is 7-8 . Saw two people coming out of the store at 10 to 7 with loaded carts, so I went in. Went to butcher area and NO more Tenderloins. They only got 4 whole tenderloin packages in and the couple I saw had snarked all four because they double teamed the store. The store has limit only two types of meat(2 beef, 2 pork, 2 chicken) PER PERSON. So he took two and she took two .Manager couldn’t do anything about it right then but I know he’ll be changing that limit sign tonight.He did tell me they expect to have a few more on Friday. So IF I can I’ll be there when the store opens to get a whole tenderloin and cut it up, vac pac the chunks and get it in the freezer. That way we won't have to spend an arm and a leg in December. We host Christmas, we do the meat, potatoes (and gravy), everybody else brings a dish to pass. This year it will be 22 of us as my niece and her family will be here (maybe). That is IF we're allowed to travel by then. DH was starting to figure out the plans and costs of making 2 raised beds for the garden and came across a site that had what he wanted for less money. They were having a blow out sale on last years stock, so he ordered two of them. Got here yesterday, he'll be putting them together this week end. We've been trying to get the garden regrowing and now we're going to have a hard frost tomorrow. We've been watching the apple trees and so far they haven't blossomed, so we HOPE we may not lose the apples this year like last year. We almost lost the trees. The deer were happy because we couldn't use the apples so they had a feast last fall. Was successful in getting heirloom seeds from my fresh store. So this time we're going to do the tomatoes from seed rather than the seedlings DH has gotten from the store and see if they will grow with out the blossom rot.

  6. #3856
    I'll most likely shit myself

    bacpacker's Avatar
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    East Tennessee
    Wife just finished canning up some strawberry preserves. They are gooooooood

  7. #3857
    Walking on Sunshine

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    Feb 2012
    Mid Michigan
    Hi all, Happy Mother's Day. We're still doing all right. DH was crunching the numbers for the new boxes and was cruising on line. Came across company selling what we've been looking to build at better costs. They came Friday and DH put them together and is in the process of staining the outsides of the boxes, protection from the elements. Now that the freeze is done(we hope) we should be able to get things going outside. Weatherman says by Friday we should be in the 70's and up.We're shut down till my Birthday (May 28th) but we're able to go to garden centers now. Son 2 stopped by to give me Mother's day present, mini tea roses in a pot and the cutest card. Yes he social distanced so I couldn't hug him. DH "took" me out for dinner, pick up from our fav restaurant LOL. Talked to Son1, he finally got someone from Unemployment and they fixed the error and sent him a check for the 4-6 weeks he didn't get it. So they are okay, DIL1 hand surgery got moved to Monday,11th so we're waiting to hear how it goes. The two older kids are ok and will be back to Dad's the 22nd. Grand daughter 1 permanently with dad (YAY HOO!!!). GRson1 will stay with the psycho for now but will spend summer with Dad. GR daughter 3(their lil sis) is VERY into the Disney princesses, right now it's Snow White. So when we face time we have to "kiss" her awake.Gr son2 and GrDaughter 2 are doing fine but "Grandma we NEED more popcorn" I have Costco card, so will be heading there this week and will pick them up some more micro popcorn and more bottled water. Their water is okay but upsets Son's and grandsons stomachs so they use bottled water to drink. Told Son 2 IF he has to, come here and fill the bottles as we have GREAT water. He said he just might do that but won't bring the kids.Told him we understand. Will drop the stuff I get off on porch, see the kids and the grand dog thru the window. So far so good with us, Son2 did tell us that one of the meat plants will be off line for a long time as the workers will not go back until this has gotten under control. His company does have smaller local farms they buy from so while things will be rationed we should still be able to get meat but for how long, not sure. He said packages look like the old government packages we used to get when Pop lost his job. Both boys know the family history so they have had me give them the recipes Mom used during the hard time to feed all 7 of us.Well it's late gotta go to bed, just finished day 7 of the home grown network seminars .
    Stay safe and God bless.

  8. #3858
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    near Pasadena, Ca.
    We have had a great bumper crop of avocados this season and so far the bears have not hit us. A week ago our neighbor across the street took a pic of one of the bears at a tree of the neighbor immediately north of us and sent it to me just after 0700. She watched him finish harvesting/eating then meander off into the hills. A bit later in the morning saw a super large pile of scat in my back yard that was loaded with kumquat seeds, probably from our neighbor to the west.

    We have done well, giving away many avocados and oranges to our friends. Have frozen a few quarts of fresh OJ for winter use. More will be put up. Will harvest some of our blueberries a bit later this morning. It appears we have about 2 quarts. Last year we got almost none, we went out one morning and the bushes were bare! Perhaps a bear or squirrel got them. That is not happening this year!

    We laid in a decent supply of batteries, AAA, AA, C, D and 9 volt late last week. I would love to find a decent solar charger that accepts all sizes of rechargeable batteries? Anyone know of any?

  9. #3859
    Bacon saver

    Brownwater Riverrat 13's Avatar
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    Oct 2011
    Well, bought a new set of handheld radios. Should be here on the 19th. A pair of Baofeng UV-82 MK5's. My Quanshengs have about outlived their lives. I've had them for about 7yrs and used them on a daily basis. Don't seem to find them around anymore. Time for an upgrade.
    Be safe.............the night is your friend.

  10. #3860
    I'll most likely shit myself

    bacpacker's Avatar
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    East Tennessee
    I've been working on a couple of 24" deep 4x12 raised beds. Got them finished up and filled last weekend. Planted radishes, parsnips, carrots, peas, beans, a bunch of onions, squash, cantaloupes. If weather holds, I'm gonna plant my tomato and pepper transplants this weekend. I put them in gallon pots and now they are nearly 3' tall and are loaded with blooms. OKra and cucmbers have come up some, but gonna replant more. Taters and cabbage is doing well. Blueberries, apple, pawpaws, grapes, & mulberries are doing pretty good.

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