Quote Originally Posted by ravensgrove View Post
I just finished off two feeder calves, got them at days old for $25 a piece had to tube then bottle feed. At 18 months old they just filled 4 freezers FULL. Yum. Most of our summer gardens are done now, winter garden is coming in heavy at this point. I'm pretty much canning round the clock at this point, should be done with all the jam in a couple of weeks. 2 freezers and 2 pantries full of canned veggies and dehydrated veggies. This time of year kicks my ass...come on WINTER!
It sounds like your doing well with your stocks. We put up one cow and a hog last summer and then I bought a new grill this year--(should be called year of the steak now) We did a garden but we didn't turn out as much as we wanted to can. Still have store bought canned and dry goods.