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Thread: GHB breakdown

  1. #31
    I'll most likely shit myself

    bacpacker's Avatar
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    Only if she wants to tote my stuff

  2. #32

    2die4's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Domeguy View Post
    It looks like i have a lot of unnessassary crap in my bag? ?how much does your bag weigh full! excluding things you might be carrying! such as weapons.
    Mine is about 8 lbs. Most of it is due to the water bottles and the 1 mre I have in there. I think the rest of the stuff I have in there don't even add up to the weight of my macbook.
    I don’t have “hobbies” I’m developing a robust Post-Apocalyptic skill set.

  3. #33
    looking at their tools while posting pictures of mine.
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    Quote Originally Posted by 2die4 View Post
    Mine is about 8 lbs. Most of it is due to the water bottles and the 1 mre I have in there. I think the rest of the stuff I have in there don't even add up to the weight of my macbook.
    My bag is a lot also for my wife also. Could you give me a break down as to what is in yours, and is it completely only for yourself?

  4. #34

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    Quote Originally Posted by Domeguy View Post
    My bag is a lot also for my wife also. Could you give me a break down as to what is in yours, and is it completely only for yourself?
    My bag hasn't really changed since my original post. I have added a space blanket, rape whistle and compass to the bag since then. Extra clothes and footwear are in a small plastic box in the trunk.

    The wife’s kit mirrors mine to a point. I added almost the exact same GHB things in her bag. (I do have to cuss her out from time to time because she gets in her bag to grab the waters and forgets to tell me to restock.) I did leave out the rope. Since she doesn't carry an EDC bag, a similar inventory was added, bandaids and pain releivers. Gave her a Boonie hat, 2 packages of travel TP , Toilet seat covers, hand sanitizer, a flashlight with extra batteries, 1 quality folder, travel size bug juice, extra Iphone cable and battery pack, space blanket.

    Gear she would be utilizing: she would be wearing the boonie at all times. First reason, she would burn up in the noon day sun if she wasn’t covered and the second reason was for the grey man approach, with her hair pulled up in a bun and from the back carrying a backup it would be hard to tell from afar if she was a woman. Knife and flashlight would be in her pockets or in hands.

    All in all, Her GHB is doubled the size of her purse. I initially went with a standard backpack but the wife wanted a sling bag with molle. With creative placing of the molle pouches, she is able to move freely and doesn’t feel “weighed down”

    I do plan on adding an empty camelbak to both our cars. That would take the water bottle weight out of the GHB bag and allow both of us to carry more water comfortably if we wished.

    Quote Originally Posted by 2die4 View Post
    My first GHB. I normally carry a Rush 12 for EDC on the weekends so this bag was created to supplement that.

    Quick EDC bag loadout- Boonie hat, monocular, lighter, TP, Toilet seat covers, hand sanitizer, advil, a smaller first aid kit, Surefire, extra batteries, a smaller flashlight, 2 folder knives, travel size bug juice, extra Iphone cable.
    Before the Army moved us to NY I was carrying a Glock 36

    MY GHB- La Police gear bail out bag. Loaded but still have room to spare.

    Gerber Multitool w/ sheath, bug juice, fire striker, Muslin Triangular Bandages. (intention is to use as a bandana or face mask), matches in waterproof container.

    2 chem lights, 2 sets of ear plus, 2 boxes of matches, 50ft of 1550lbs tensile strength rope.

    1 mre , 3 bottles of water, dust mask, IFAK with med supplies, magazine holder for 2 mags(will actually carry extra mags once I get out of The People's Republic of New York), 5x7 tarp. *not shown* two cheap rain ponchos

    *Stashed in the vehicle* 1-mre, 2-windbreakers

    Stuff that will be added in the near future:
    10-20 feet of 550 cord(thinking it may be redundant considering I have 50 feet of rope)
    At least 2 more Mre's- this will be put into the vehicle
    a vial of bleach or water purifier tabs
    combat boots for The general and me
    extra socks.

    I don’t have “hobbies” I’m developing a robust Post-Apocalyptic skill set.

  5. #35
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    I have camelbac bladders in my bags (3 cars = 3 bags), and some type of water filter. I travel 35 miles to work, so that bag has more than the wifes bag or spare bag in the pickup. My main bag has a katadyn pump filter, the other two have life straws of something similar that can go inline with the drinking tube on the bladder. Otherwise they have about the same stuff as mentioned here, plus a rain poncho.

  6. #36
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    Have you thought of storing something like the MSR Dromedary in your bags and just keeping a flat of water in the car to fill it up with? Keep 72oz in bottles in the bag then having a 2 or 3 liter bag you can fill up from the car water on hand.

    Would make water carry uploading really easy.

  7. #37
    I'll most likely shit myself

    bacpacker's Avatar
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    One of my GHB's has a 2L Platypus inside. My plans exactly for it.

  8. #38
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    I carry a basic load of 3 liters with the 2 liter MSR to supplement.

    A 24 pack of water is usually in the vehicle and I bring 2-3 liters on the road for in vehicle drinking while traveling.

  9. #39
    may be in trouble

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    Quote Originally Posted by Socalman View Post
    I have had GHBs in our cars since before I knew what a GHB was. Here in So. Cal. I am more prepared for roads to be blocked due earthquake damage. I am prepared to live off my bag for about 3 days in an emergency. We carry clean socks and some extra undies. In the years I have carried that bag, I have used it 3 times --- all for first aid when coming upon auto accidents. The last time was a bad head-on in the mountains that involved 3 cars. The vehicle just ahead of me was driven by a paramedic and his wife who was a former paramedic. They had NO first aid gear and were quite happy with all the latex gloves, bandages and tape I was able to supply. They were able to provide treatment to the four badly injured people until the ambulances could get on scene.
    I'd wager one of my Morgan ounces that, as soon as things settled down, they availed themselves to at least one Navy corpsman/Army medic - class medic's bag with as many goodies within as law allows. Something >I< need to scrape up, myself.

    I'd further recommend a 100 ct bottle per GHB (and yes, dummy I am, I still don't know what it means) of a generic multivitamin, and, knowing I'm liable to be bitched at for mentioning it... so be it... a further bottle, each 50 ct, of No-Doz or other caffeine tablet, and Nytol. There are flat out some times when gutting out a night of needing to be awake is not going to be enough, and far better caffeine than some of the other prescription stimulants out there. The accompanying jitters is where the Nytol comes into play.


  10. #40
    may be in trouble

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    Quote Originally Posted by 2die4
    Stuff that will be added in the near future:
    10-20 feet of 550 cord(thinking it may be redundant considering I have 50 feet of rope)
    At least 2 more Mre's- this will be put into the vehicle
    a vial of bleach or water purifier tabs
    combat boots for The general and me
    extra socks.

    UST makes a 5 in 1 tool that could take care of the whistle and compass.

    The underside of the compass/cap is a 25c-sized mirror. Doesn't come with matches, if the bleach comes in a small enough container, park it there.

    Boots... break them in NOW, as there is no more grievous ache than breaking in new boots out in the boonies. Voice of experience, here.

    Spare laces. Make one of them 550-cord-macrame bands everyone's making, but out of each spare lace. I mind some combat boots have a loop on the back of the upper to help pull them on, that's where I would park the spare lace band. That or thread it through the lacing at the very bottom eyelets of each boot, above the tounge but under the lacing itself.

    However many pairs extra socks... add another pair.

    Buck Bantam or other good locking back/locking blade folding knife. NOT a dam' liner lock. An extra knife is never a bad thing. A sheath with a honing stone in it would be excellent. Honingstone with sparking stone on back would be top flight as long as it didnt add more bulk.




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