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Thread: Have you practiced your Bug Out?

  1. #1

    Have you practiced your Bug Out?

    I am currently a member of an active preparedness group and have been a member of two others prior to this group (changed groups due to moving). Something that we did in one of the groups I was in previously was to once a year do a full on complete bug out practice. By that I mean you actually load up the physical goods, supplies and equipment you intend to take with you if you are forced to bug out.

    Now I fully acknowledge that there are those who do not have a Bug Out Location to evacuate to. I currently live at my full time BOL which is a go to place for several other families, all of whom have some supplies already pre- positioned here. But we do have a fall back location about 90 minutes away if needed.

    When we did our exercise with the group here were the rules: you had to load the actual goods and supplies, no cheating, you had to time yourself from start to finish and you had to keep a list of three things that went well and three things that didn't go well to share with the group.

    At the next group meeting following the test we discussed the results which were very interesting. The main point that folks discovered was that it took much longer to load out than they thought it would. My ex-wife and I had much of our gear pre-packed and stored and it took quite awhile. For me the biggest surprise was discovering that we couldn't haul all the goods we wanted to bring. I had a full size pick up truck and she had a mini van and we could only accommodate about 60% of what we had planned on bringing for our family of five. Made for some interesting choices in what stayed and what went. Another factor that was a downside for some of the members was not having a written checklist of what they planned on bringing. It added time as they looked for certain items. The amount of effort it took to load everything up was another issue for many, myself included. It can be physically demanding to move and load all the goods. So it was a very eye opening experience to say the least.

    Have you ever loaded up all that you are planning to bring with you to see for yourself? If you haven't I HIGHLY recommend that you do, it will not be a waste of your time.

  2. #2
    This guy has "some" flashlights. Just a couple. As in, a metric-butt ton of em.

    Echo2's Avatar
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    Many times.....different routes.

    It is a PITA....but necessary.

    We keep enough supplies at the BOL.....If we showed up on foot and naked.....we'd be fine.

    We have done a full load out in the trailer....but in all honesty....other than a few of my guns and comms gear (field locker)....I'll leave it if the threat is dire.

    The kids have their own BOBs.

    If I sense a true "Disturbance in the Force"....we'll load up in darkness and roll ASAP.

    One of the bigger things to practice is solo....with out contact with your SO. You need to have a plan on who does what and know where your rally points are.

    Test your comms gear for true distance/range from said rally points....and at different times of the changes.

    If there are folks at your need to practice with them too....what range do your comms work from they have a way to come retrieve you if necessary...etc.

    How do you approach your BOL? Do you have a signal to show friendly.....does every one in the family know it?

    Young they know the directions to the heart? could they help a younger child? Do they know the rally points? Do they know how to work the radios?

    If you have they know where to find them? Have you went over "time frames" with them.....when it is OK to move from rally point? and where they should go from the rally point?

    These are some of the questions that we have addressed....because the BOL is 2.5 days by foot....I pray we have the gift of some type of heads up....luckily most sheep will hang around and hope for it to get better for a few days.....and if we haven't already....we will leave.....quickly.
    The Difference Between a Welfare State and a Totalitarian State is a Matter of Time.

  3. #3
    GREAT post Echo2 ! Thanks for adding that important information. BTW LOVE your signature line

  4. #4
    Bacon Spam

    rentprop1's Avatar
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    does dipping into it to steal the beef jerky on a long trip count as practicing ???

    I use my bag quite a bit, and thus I keep changing the configuration and pack order, I think everyone should use it rather than practice, just opinion

  5. #5
    Do you have a robot?
    realist's Avatar
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    A full bug out would be a PITA, with the amount of ammo that I have it would really take two trips with the truck and trailer, weight wise. That is the problem with some of my preps it is not the bulk but the weight. That said everything else that is not in the pantry is prepacked ready to go. I guess I could get a bigger truck..........nope the boss said no.

    I did conducted two limited bug outs this summer on what was just in my truck. The first one was a train wreck. The second one was a vast improvement. After the second trip I think now I have it pretty squared away. Well that is what a list if for and I am constantly revamping things. Then again the best laid plans.........

  6. #6
    Claptrap's Problem Solver

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    Honestly no.

    Only way we're leaving is if a chemical spill happens, a wild fire is a'commin or the house blows away in a hurricane. All these are very localized and temporary. We can muddle our way through and have enough family and contacts in the area that we could get by until the all-clear is given.

    If there's a total catastrophic meltdown of society. Well....I've got a couple options there.

    But as far as a complete "load up and head out" drill. No, I've been very lazy with that.
    If you think that come SHTF you are gonna jock up in all your kit and be a death-dealing one man army, you're an idiot - izzyscout

  7. #7
    I'll most likely shit myself

    bacpacker's Avatar
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    I've never done a full scale bug out drill. We have done a couple of partials. Latest one was this past spring. It went pretty well, but took way to long to complete the loading process. I have worked on a reorginization of gear and goods. I am doing inventory right now and making plans for doing a full on reorg once that's complete. Will do another partial BO later this month and a larger one in Dec.

    As far as comms go (in reference to Echo), he is exactly right. Having spent years doing EmComm, I can verify how important it is to make sure of your gear's capabilities and to know fully how to operate your gear. If you spouse and you are both planning comms while seperated, you BOTH need this knowledge and skill.

  8. #8
    Stalkercat...destroyer of donkeys, rider of horse

    izzyscout21's Avatar
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    Never have practiced a full blown bugout. The plan is just to grab as many critical elements as will fit in the 2 vehicles and go. Hopefully, whatever has to be left behind can be done without.

    Since we have a Tornado watch tonight, it may be one of the Tornado drill evenings.
    WARNING: This post may contain material offensive to those who lack wit, humor, common sense and/or supporting factual or anecdotal evidence. All statements and assertions contained herein may be subject to but not limited to: irony, metaphor, allusion and dripping sarcasm.

  9. #9
    Looking to learn how to spoon....wait....what's that....oh....MAKE spoons
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    Have you practiced your Bug Out?

    No, because I live in my bug out area. For now anyway.

    Next year at school I'm going to have to though. Not a full on one because that'd be multiday to get home. But I will give that a shot a few times.

    But I think my options will be limited for bugging out since I'll be in ROTP and might have to stay an save sheep lol.

  10. #10
    Premium Member

    Jerry D Young's Avatar
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    Got one planned for Oct 13, 2012 with all but the firearms. I'll let you know how it goes, if I remember to afterwards.
    Jerry D Young

    Prepare for the worst and hope for the best and always remember TANSTAAFL

    (There Ain't No Such Thing As A Free Lunch - Robert A Heinlein)



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