Is it because I lumped all the lines in with it? After reading again I may not have transitioned very well.

The pump itself was the easy part though. Only had to cut and splice 4 color matched wires for a new connector, and (overpay at the dealership) for a new lock ring that had corroded. That's when we found the cracks (yep, more than one) in the steel feed line to the filter. I got that ordered on Tuesday, it came in Wednesday afternoon, and I was able to put it in yesterday.

Only to find gas now spraying out at the connector between the steel line I replaced, and the nylon line connecting it to my pump. We yanked the guts out with the old steel line, and do you think anybody sells the individual components? Nope! Lol. $130 from the dealer for a brand new 8" line... Luckily my stepdad knows the owner of a salvage yard, got a line for free, and though it didn't fit we were able to cannibalize it for the o-rings I needed.

That connection looked great today, but the blow out in the fuel return line didn't. That's now in pieces on the garage floor, and the new line will be in on Monday, when I'm down in Detroit. It'll be Tuesday before I can do anything more.

I'm hoping I got the correct line too. They said its a 90" line, but I'm only seeing 65" on the old one, unless we left a chunk clipped in under the car. My wheel base is 108", so I gambled on that and made the order.

Meanwhile, my uncle broke a vent valve. This is the only piece I've winged it in repairing, since I read it can sealed and plugged without issue I figured I'd be ok gluing a hollow insert into the stem to reconnect it to its base, and I used the same gorilla glue, with some repair putty that hardens up like cement, to seal and hold them together.

There's no pressure on that line, and no tension when the tank is in place, so I figured that was better than buying a whole new tank - especially when it would take ebay to get a direct replacement. I could have gone steel tank as a special order locally, but would be replacing more hardware as well.

This has been a learning experience. Very little of what I've needed for this job has been available locally, so I figured I'd share and maybe get people thinking.

I want to get an F150 next. At the rate this is going I'm tempted to track down the same year truck that has body/ frame damage just so I have all the other parts! Lol