I am curious about the rest of the world that does not live in a dome. As stated above, domegal and I live in a 50' geodesic dome, built on a 4' riser wall that is of my own design. We also have a 24' dome built on a 6' riser wall. I was a factory worker at the time we started building, and my wife is a nurse in our small town. We built the dome by ourselves over 1 1/2 years and didn't even have blueprints. The bank gave us the loan with only a rough drawing of the floor plan, which by the way, I kept revising on the go.
I am curious if anyone else has built their own prepper home, and what special goodies did you put into it. Is it under ground, or maybe up on the side of a rocky cliff? Did you build in a safe room, or maybe trap doors in the floor?
And if you made it this far reading this post, you get the big prize. You get to tell us what you would do to build your own prepper paradise.