The wife and I do it a wee bit different. We store what we eat and eat what we store. Don't really purchase remade foods rather the basic ingredients to make meals. Doing it this way we expand on recipes to make different dishes for variety of flavor. Have the ability to adapt to the needs of the moment. The ingredients should be easier to transport since they would be larger containers. The only drawback would be the meats. Processing, Storage and Transportation. We grind our own, store it in a freezer and if needing to bug out it would be difficult to keep it in that state (frozen). Really this method is for the thought of store what you eat and eat what you store. If bugging out is imperative then leave the frozen and take the base ingredients and hunt.

The last thing I have to say is simple. When the premade foods run out you will need to learn <-- how to prepare meals. If the SHTF it will add a different type of stress to the situation if you have to eat what your learning to make...