It would be tough to live off the land up here now. I just fired up my sled and packed down some trails for x-country skiiing and snowshoeing, but one step off the trail and I was into 3+ feet of snow. There are still a few rosehips sticking up in places, and of course the inner bark of some trees, but beyond that the only food sources I have are meat. This is where following the bounty cycles are critically important. I have several hundred jars of fruit/veggies that I put up over the summer/fall, and enough meat to get me through til next summer, if need be. I have a well beaten path to all systems that I need (garage, woodshed, doghouse, etc.) But even a simple walk to my hunting shack (if I was so inclined) would be a half day affair and be so costly in calories it would be foolish)

This is the time of year to hunker down by the fire and work on some crafts, plan next years gardens, an relax a little.