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Thread: Robsdak in hospital.

  1. #71
    Bacon saver

    Brownwater Riverrat 13's Avatar
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    Great minds think alike........
    Be safe.............the night is your friend.

  2. #72
    RIP, brother. We are diminshed.
    robsdak's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Brownwater Riverrat 13 View Post
    Stay out of trouble, Oh hey did I mention that you can take a jar full of bees and place the jar lid side down against the skin next to the wound and unscrew the lid and slide the jar over the wound and smack the shit out of the jar a couple of times? Well all of the venom from the bee stingers produce a huge welt that looks really doesn't do much for your problem but it looks cool. Just before you pass out, you call LadyHK and she comes over and stabs you with an Epi pen and we all chase you around the yard. Then we have tasty beverages and talk about how stupid, uh I mean brave you were. Hope you get the tops for the hives...........
    yes, i know this... thanks, i'll PASS. couple of problems there. been stung and not allergic, EPI Pen just might KILL ME and your only gonna chase me so far, before i turn on ya'll all pissed off.

    Quote Originally Posted by eagle326 View Post
    Right after we roll him in honey and toss him in bear cave with a knife for skinning.
    as long as i get too choose the knife.

    the tops didn't get done. he needed a breaker replaced in the house panel. then we talked about his 'ambition' is tied directly to my health. funny/odd i tell you. sorry ass hasn't hit a lick at anything, since i haven't been there. going back today too light a fire under his arse and get him motivated.
    "Ya need a hug, or a twinkee? Wait..forget the twinkie". - Dropy

    "I'll be in my bunk" Jayne Cobb

    'Catch, sauté, and release...' Sniper-T

    'Always smile... it makes people wonder what the fuck you are thinking!' Sniper-T

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    'All I really needed was a hug'............ Domeguy

  3. #73
    Bacon saver

    Brownwater Riverrat 13's Avatar
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    OK ya know that Jar a bees I mentioned? Well I'd be more than happy to hold him down while you administer that new "Honey Tattoo" on his ass! We'll do the Epi just for a spectator sport.
    Be safe.............the night is your friend.

  4. #74
    RIP, brother. We are diminshed.
    robsdak's Avatar
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    ain't gonna happen captain. i am for sure you aren't big enough too hold me down. besides, the EPI just might blow up what little bit of the heart i have left. remember this old saying ' you may run up, but your gonna limp off'. LOL
    "Ya need a hug, or a twinkee? Wait..forget the twinkie". - Dropy

    "I'll be in my bunk" Jayne Cobb

    'Catch, sauté, and release...' Sniper-T

    'Always smile... it makes people wonder what the fuck you are thinking!' Sniper-T

    Body Armor is not bullet proof, it is only bullet resistant.* Learn to become strictly a head hunter.*

    'All I really needed was a hug'............ Domeguy

  5. #75
    Bacon saver

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    Noooooo, Motard, I was talking about your buddy who's supposed to be making the tops to your hives. Sheez and i thought i had a hard time with only ONE brain cell. Look man I got jumper cables if you need them.
    Be safe.............the night is your friend.

  6. #76
    RIP, brother. We are diminshed.
    robsdak's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Brownwater Riverrat 13 View Post
    Noooooo, Motard, I was talking about your buddy who's supposed to be making the tops to your hives. Sheez and i thought i had a hard time with only ONE brain cell. Look man I got jumper cables if you need them.
    'Motard' i like that. i got it, now. still a little slow. shit, i got the put together and they aren't for my hives, they're for his. he needs to paint them or get the granddaughter to do it. i refuse to paint with a brush.
    "Ya need a hug, or a twinkee? Wait..forget the twinkie". - Dropy

    "I'll be in my bunk" Jayne Cobb

    'Catch, sauté, and release...' Sniper-T

    'Always smile... it makes people wonder what the fuck you are thinking!' Sniper-T

    Body Armor is not bullet proof, it is only bullet resistant.* Learn to become strictly a head hunter.*

    'All I really needed was a hug'............ Domeguy

  7. #77
    Bacon saver

    Brownwater Riverrat 13's Avatar
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    Did I ever tell you about Mary Sue? She painted ships in Hong Kong, all using rags. They would trade for scrap metal, old line, what ever gear your could spare or scrap. You supply the paint, she and her crews would hang over the side of your ship and paint that sucker out all the way to the water line......with rags. You'd be surprised how damn nice it looks. This old woman has been doing this for years, I mean like YEARS. She's like a Navy Sea Story all by her self. Every West Pac sailor knew who Mary Sue was. Well, If you were a Boatswainsmate anyways. OK that's my bedtime story for tonight........
    Be safe.............the night is your friend.

  8. #78
    RIP, brother. We are diminshed.
    robsdak's Avatar
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    nope, never heard that one. do tell. had this discussion. never severed. bad knees. i was recruited and woo'd a couple times.. funny story about the first time i met the recruiter. i was at the range, shooting at 800 m. he came over and introduced himself and asked if i had ever given a thought to joining up. did really well on everything, but the physical.
    "Ya need a hug, or a twinkee? Wait..forget the twinkie". - Dropy

    "I'll be in my bunk" Jayne Cobb

    'Catch, sauté, and release...' Sniper-T

    'Always smile... it makes people wonder what the fuck you are thinking!' Sniper-T

    Body Armor is not bullet proof, it is only bullet resistant.* Learn to become strictly a head hunter.*

    'All I really needed was a hug'............ Domeguy

  9. #79
    For the Love of Cats

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    Quote Originally Posted by Brownwater Riverrat 13 View Post
    Did I ever tell you about Mary Sue? She painted ships in Hong Kong, all using rags........
    A little more about this...

    Mary Soo was one of the more remarkable individuals whose path crossed mine. She and her crew of mostly women would contract to paint an entire Navy ship while it was anchored at Hong Kong. Hong Kong was always the high point of every WESTPAC cruise, liberty was generously granted. One of the things that made this possible was Mary Soo and her outfit. Typically, we would stop in Hong Kong for a full week of rest and recreation (R&R).

    Here is a panorama of Hong Kong harbor showing Navy ships anchored out in the bay —there were no port facilities:

    Hong Kong Harbor

    Upon arrival Mary Soo or one of her lieutenants would come aboard and work out a deal to paint the ship. Sometimes she would do the job just for the right to the garbage from the ship’s messes. Because Hong Kong was a liberty port, and a good portion of the crew was ashore at any one time, much of the food prepared aboard ship went unconsumed. This was carefully packaged and turned over to Mary Soo who sold it here and there in the city. It was sometimes wryly observed by seasoned salts that food purchased by sailors ashore might have been had for free aboard ship.

    Because Navy regulations prohibited paying foreign nationals in cash for work accomplished on the ship, other means of compensation had to be found. Garbage was one solution, but the PICTOR was quite experienced in these matters, and we would usually load up with war surplus scrap metal in the Phillipines before proceeding to Hong Kong. Mary Soo was always delighted to see all of that stuff, especially if there was brass invovled.

    After the deal was completed, a small fleet of sampans would arrive and an army of mostly women would file aboard to start painting. We provided the paint and they did the work. One reason that most of them were women was because Mary Soo also ran an orphange. She would “buy” unwanted female children and raise them in her orphnage. She probably saved the lives of many girl babies in this way. When the chilren were old enough to work they would join the ship painting effort. As workers they were paid a small wage, but this was put into an account for them which they would receive in full upon reaching adulthood. After that they could stay with Mary Soo or make their own way in the world. Sometimes some of the small children would accompany their older counterparts out to the ship. They didn’t actually come aboard but would stay on the sampans alongside. I remember on one occasion looking over the side and watching several girls of about age five or six playing on the stern of one of the boats. One of the girls was blond and fair. Needless to say that was highly unusual. I wasn’t close enough to see her facial features, but she was speaking fluent Chinese. I assume she was one of Mary Soo’s orphans.

    The workers were always dressed in ragged, paint-covered clothes and they all wore the conical coolie hat as protection from the Sun. It was almost impossible to tell what they looked like. Instead of brushes, they used rags or textile waste to spread the paint. The few men there were used long poles to paint the sides of the ship from sampans moored alongside. They were a good natured bunch and there was much laughing and joking between the girls and the PICTOR’s deck force.

    Because the PICTOR was such a good paying ship, May Soo always threw a big party for us at the end of the week. It was at this party that I first saw Mary Soo in person. She looked to be about eighty years old at the time (1963), yet she was obviously a very shrewd business person. The big surprise at the party, however, was the girls — they were gorgeous! They all wore their best party dresses, had their hair done and their makeup on. Our first reaction was these can’t be the same girls that painted the ship, but they were.

    Several years after I left active duty I read in the newspaper that Mary Soo had died. It made the news all over the world.

    Not mine, but sniped from here:
    Give a man fire, and he'll be warm for a day!
    Light a man on fire, and he'll be warm for the rest of his life!

    Cat's are food... not friends!

    If you're going to fight, then fight like you're the third monkey on the ramp into Noah's arc... and brother, it's starting to rain.

  10. #80
    RIP, brother. We are diminshed.
    robsdak's Avatar
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    almost 1 month report. be 1 month Saturday...

    kicking arse and taking names. busy as a bee. LOL helping set up a buddies shop, power tools, work table, welders... feeling real good. still taking it easy.
    "Ya need a hug, or a twinkee? Wait..forget the twinkie". - Dropy

    "I'll be in my bunk" Jayne Cobb

    'Catch, sauté, and release...' Sniper-T

    'Always smile... it makes people wonder what the fuck you are thinking!' Sniper-T

    Body Armor is not bullet proof, it is only bullet resistant.* Learn to become strictly a head hunter.*

    'All I really needed was a hug'............ Domeguy



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