So I have heard the pro's and con's of organizing into groups and trying to stay in very small groups on their own. I have read ST's "The Group" and loved it. Cheesy as it sounds I have picked up a few gems from Walking Dead, The Road, Firefly, Jericho, The Colony and Defiance. I believe that while starting out on a small community of like minded individuals there should always be a set precedence in place for allowing people into a group to expand on their skills and resources. Anyone who argues that they could survive indefinitely on their own is a fool in my opinion but to each their own.

So I pose this to the fine group of like minded individuals out there,

1. How would you decide to allow people into your group? (ability to sustain them, needed skills, reproduction/gene pool, or simple companionship if a single person)

2. What would your "initiation" be? (questions, proof of values/skills,)

3. How long would it be before you trusted them or truly relied on them without graft or leverage of some kind?

4. What other concerns would you have?