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Thread: Need opinions on military back ground

  1. #1
    Thinks it might be German

    slowz1k's Avatar
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    Need opinions on military back ground

    I haven't posted in a very long time, but I have been lurking quite a bit.
    I have an odd situation that I'm dealing with, and was wondering if any of you who have served might be able to help.

    This is a "Stolen Valor" type problem.
    My step son just got out of the Army after a little over 3 years. He did basic at Ft Jackson, and then soon got stationed in S. Korea at Camp Hovey, with the 4-7 Cav. His MOS was FO, but pulled most of his time in a Bradley.
    After about 2 years he was brought back stateside and spent the rest of his time in Kansas at Ft Riley with the Big Red 1.
    The issue:
    Since he's been home, he's started telling us that he couldn't tell us at the time, but while in Korea, he was secretly deployed to Afghanistan and saw extensive action. Stories of IED's hitting his buds in the Hum-V in front of him, A sniper killing a friend 2' away from him, Pinned down for 7 hours, Spotting for a sniper who was a friend of his also stationed at Hovey.... The list goes on. Some of the stuff sounds plausible, some of it sounds like a reach. To add to this "issue", He has always been a huge drama queen, and when he goes into these stories, you can almost hear violins playing in the back ground.
    I did some checking and I found that the 5-7 Cav deployed to Afghanistan out of Hovey in Jan 2013. I'm wondering if some of the guys got back and he adopted some of their stories as his own.
    Now... Let me say that if he is telling the truth, I feel like a bowl of cold $h1t with whipped cream on top for doubting him. I have the utmost respect and admiration for anyone and everyone who served in uniform, and I hate going on a witch hunt like this. If he's BS-ing us on this, As I think he is, it's going to make me sick. I'm thinking I need to take him to the wood shed.

    Any ideas on how I can find out if his stories check out?... Or should I just let it go.
    Thoughts and comments welcome
    The 12 Gauge... It's not just for rabbits anymore.

  2. #2
    For the Love of Cats

    Sniper-T's Avatar
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    Seems to me that most soldiers I know, active and retired, are pretty tight lipped about their missions... actually I mean VERY tight lipped! I hope that he is the exception, and I hope it pans out. It is disturbing! I hope it doesn't come to the woodshed, but fully endorse the thought if it does! Your questions probably won't be answered on open forum, and that is understandable, but hopefully someone can get you the information you need to put your heart at rest!

    Oh, and btw... Welcome back!! You've been missed too!
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    If you're going to fight, then fight like you're the third monkey on the ramp into Noah's arc... and brother, it's starting to rain.

  3. #3
    plenty of extra room "down his pants"
    ElevenBravo's Avatar
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    Slo, I hear ya bro... You hear stories, but some level of fantastic'o drifts in than gives doubt...

    I spent 16 years in the National Guard (Im medically separated/Medically retired, for whatever thats worth). Ive run into all types in my time. Nearing age 50, my wisdom indicator is finally coming into the red.

    When I was young, I was full of piss and napalm.. I'd believe anything I heard and enhance a story or two myself. I think, this is just a sign of being young and immature.

    Its taken me a lot of years to realize just how immature I was, even after Ft.Benning and several years in uniform. Shit, I dont think I started to grow the 'f up until just a few years ago, honestly!!

    Anywho... take this with a grain of salt, but my experience is.. the ones that were actually in the shit box choose to only talk about there experiences with others in arms. The ones that boasted the loudest were more likely to have been on CQ duty the entire rotation but wished they could have been in the heat.

    I had no idea that in my own guard unit, was a few combat vets from Nam, the one I found out later to be very highly decorated, was the one I would have never guessed ever did anything with there life.

    Your story reminds me of this one guy that used to work at out shop.. Claims of being a sniper and all sorts of other fantastic'o stories were a f'in daily cycle. I got to where I avoided this dipshit with great effort. Sure, he walked the walk and talked the talk, but I just never had positive vibes off this joker.

    Id say use the adage "Trust, but verify". If someone was actually in da'shit, they should come back with a CIB tab, which is a Combat Infantry Badge. Sure you can get them at the PX, but a gov piece of paper will prove you have the RIGHT to wear the badge of honor. Start there, if you can SEE DOCUMENTS, there may be some truth.

    Also the Army aint shy about issuing AAMs, or Army Achievement Medal. For f' sake, Ive earned 5 of them and never went to combat! Someone who showed the slightest bit of leadership or courage I would think, should have earned a few AAMs and on the award, it states in a paragraph structure why they earned it.

    Hope that helps, good luck-
    "Takes .357 to the field... every time..."
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  4. #4
    Does not fish with big brother
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    DD214 every soldure has one and has copies of it. It has every school, medal, award, duty station, rank and where you were deployed to.

  5. #5
    Do NOT mess with him while he's pumping gas.

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    Quote Originally Posted by ANEURYSM View Post
    DD214 every soldure has one and has copies of it. It has every school, medal, award, duty station, rank and where you were deployed to.

    I'd also be concerned that embellishing duty stories especially those that involve others being hurt, or the kind that have the flavor of "traumatic memories" may be some sort of call for help even if it's really not a PTSD issue.
    Common sense is so rare these days, it should be re-classified as a super power.

  6. #6
    finally pooped
    jamesneuen's Avatar
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    First off,HOLY FAILED OPSEC!!!! Any information such as that should have been addressed for non-dissemination during his debrief. As far as awards and documentation I dunno. I've done some oddball stuff in my 7 years so far that was above and beyond the normal scope of my job but awards have never been given.

    At the very least, listen to him. He may need someone to simply vent to and confide in. PTSD presents itself in many ways. If he needs help please contact me. Send me a PM, I will give you all my info and discuss who he can turn to for help or even talk to him myself if you would like me to. I'm by no means an expert but I have been down that road before and sometimes it's hard to come back.

    If it seems he is simply boasting about it then leave him be and let it roll off. It's not worth the effort to track that kind of information down and how would it make you feel any better KNOWING he is a liar rather than THINKING he is. Many things are just not worth the headache.

    If what you are worried about is him claiming honor in service when he doesn't deserve it, take him to help with some wounded warrior programs. That will sober the shit out of anyone who came home with all his bits in the right place. He might think twice about how much his bravery is worth after seeing the men and women who really did "write the check for up to and including their life"

    USCG, GM2 with 7 years and counting.

  7. #7
    Thinks it might be German

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    Hey guys,
    Thanks for taking the time to address this. It's a touchy subject for sure. I think I'll just let it ride and hope it goes away. It's not something that happens all that often, but when it does, it's thick. I'm thinking the truth will eventually float to the top one way or another. At least I now have some solid advice and information to fall back on, if/when it's needed.

    It's truly appreciated.
    I'll update if anything ever comes of this.
    The 12 Gauge... It's not just for rabbits anymore.

  8. #8
    plenty of extra room "down his pants"
    ElevenBravo's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by jamesneuen View Post
    Many things are just not worth the headache.
    Of this entire thread thus far, this quote may end up being the wisest thing said!

    "Takes .357 to the field... every time..."
    "AR - America's Rifle"
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  9. #9
    For the Love of Cats

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    If that were true... It would take a strong man to step back and allow the natural progression... for better or worse!
    Give a man fire, and he'll be warm for a day!
    Light a man on fire, and he'll be warm for the rest of his life!

    Cat's are food... not friends!

    If you're going to fight, then fight like you're the third monkey on the ramp into Noah's arc... and brother, it's starting to rain.

  10. #10
    I'll most likely shit myself

    bacpacker's Avatar
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    No easy thing to determine for sure. Best of luck, whichever way you decide.

    I pray for the sake of your stepson, that it all comes out works out well for him.



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