Quote Originally Posted by ElevenBravo View Post

In fact, Id love to find a TS-120 again, that was my first HF radio, and the damn thing was AWESOME!

Three on auction at ebay.

As of this writing (2015/09/22//09:00 PDT)... one ends in ten hours, one in 51 hours and one in 226 hours. First two are about $200 as of this writing, ~ USD$30 shipping. Third one opened about 7PM PDT @ $150, same shipping, no bids at this time.




Hope this hooks you back up with an old and trusted friend. Come to that, since I can't seem to conclude my quest, if you are truly after this, then PM me and I might be partly able to angel the matter. This all assuming that all three of these auctions aren't completely infected by shills.