Quote Originally Posted by ak474u View Post
Sodium bicarbonate. That was my response when she told me that too.
A bit of a deviation, but yeah... I use about a 1/2 teaspoon of baking soda in a 16 oz glass of water for bad heartburn (if I eat something that doesnt agree with me, not too frequent).

Its Alka Seltzer, without the asprine and fizzy stuff. For me (YMMV) Alka Seltzer (or better, just baking soda) works best! Take a look at the contents of Alka Seltzer, sodium bicarb is the part that does the heartburn relief..


Back on topic, Gatorade is good for an electrolyte replacement... (but dont recall any sodium bicarb in the contents) but it is a bit expensive. A good while back, I compared the labels of a tub of Gatorade and a tub of Tang (you know, the astronaut drink for you older folks!), theres not a significant difference between the two but check and decide for yourself. Tang cost a lot less.