Quote Originally Posted by ElevenBravo
Your question is awesome, and he answers it pretty well... its about "waking up", when you hear a Patriot talk about him/her being "awake", it is the mind of truth, what is really going on... not the normalcy bias like is talked about in 299.

If you ever saw The Matrix (awesome movie, and every Patriot should see it, because the analogies IMHO have a direct correlation) Its like taking the blue pill or the red pill... once you are in the awake state, you can NEVER go back (though some do...). You wonder how the hell did you NOT see all this before!

Being awake SUCKS honestly. Id much rather be back in my dream state, I was "happier" then But here it is, here I am... Im awake and cant go back to sleep, I cant see that happening... Im too long unplugged from the Matrix.
I get it. I don't like it much. But it's not like I had that much option. Or have one now, come to that, or I wouldn't still be here.

Quote Originally Posted by ElevenBravo
You seriously need to download the first year of The Survivalist Podcast
No, I'm doing my deadlevel best orbiting the perimeter of the event horizon of that black hole. "299 Days" took me as close as I dare come. The deepest I got with that was that (IMO) piece of Pro-California hyper-propaganda known as WARDAY. Such a swallowing piece of abject literary fellatio I've never seen before or since. Limited nuclear war, and California not touched? GMAMFB. Kunetka should have stuck with writing about the infancy of nukes, and Streiber about his damn werewolves and Greys. (/IMO)
