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Thread: Iran... US Navy ships/boats... thoughts?

  1. #31
    He's old and grumpy, but not fat. He'll be right back...he has to go tell some kids to get off his lawn

    Stg1swret's Avatar
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    Today's Navy and armed forces are not the same as the ones we dinosaurs served in. The touchy, feely PC crowd with there sensitivity training and social experiment programs have all but destroyed them. Those boat crews and their boats should have never gone out with all the issues they had from equipment malfunctions to lack of training. I have no idea who was in charge of maintenance, but they obviously were gun-decking their PMS, that is dereliction of duty when I served. If you cant trust your shipmates to do their job, you are in a world of hurt.
    "There are no winners in war, only bigger losers"

    If you see me or hear me coming, I'm not doing my job.

  2. #32
    Bacon saver

    Brownwater Riverrat 13's Avatar
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    Ahhhh, words from the past. Leadership and accountability is gone to shit. In ref to your previous posts STG1 comes a time when a change of command is necessary. I never had one relieved but I have seen them "get" relieved. I've seen damn near the whole wardroom wiped out. But this is just ridiculous, this goes back to INCONUS and these kids never should have deployed. They weren't qual'd, certed or READY. But I'm sure somebody stamped them "ready to go". I blame senior enlisted leadership, CMC all the way down. That boat is your fuckin life, you can't imagine the conversations I've had over this mess. I will say this, there are "Damn few left" those that give a shit. These clowns (In my opinion)have put a major black eye on the Navy, the boat community, Chiefs, can't say shit about the officer, that shit speaks for itself don't it? (I'da keel hauled that fucker and left him for chum on the way back, pussy) I get pissed everytime I think about this.

    OK, what's happened? What's been the knee jerk from the Navy? This "I do know" since the "boarding incident" training throughout the "boat community" and when I say that I mean any deploy-able, squadron, unit, detachment that uses said craft, PC, MK-5, MK-6, SOCR, 11 meter RHIB, etc. Examples, Minewarfare clearance crews, Special Warfare Combatant Craft Crews, Coastal Patrol crews, Riverine crews, etc. What training? COMfuckingBAT, SERE, Urban warfare, convoy, landnav, first aid, you name it.
    Guess who's been going? Senior leadership, primarily then they are taking their crews to learn how to operate effectively as a team. Also to see if these puss nut dip dunk muther fucs can lead. Oh and they're missing a few now to.........some couldn't deal with the snakes and swamps of Miss. others the incoming lead (total breakdown in a firefight) yeah it really trims the fat. Better here then over there.........Still waiting on the SERE reports, still my favorite but this could prove troublesome once I get a "fresh from the box" course feedback from a squid. They probably toned that down too. I already heard that the Air Force is doing SERE online now. Should prove to be helpful in a tight spot eh? OK, I need to do something productive on this rainy day. Out!
    Be safe.............the night is your friend.

  3. #33
    may be in trouble

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    Quote Originally Posted by Brownwater Riverrat 13 View Post
    Ahhhh, words from the past. Leadership and accountability is gone to shit. In ref to your previous posts STG1 comes a time when a change of command is necessary. I never had one relieved but I have seen them "get" relieved. I've seen damn near the whole wardroom wiped out. But this is just ridiculous, this goes back to INCONUS and these kids never should have deployed. They weren't qual'd, certed or READY. But I'm sure somebody stamped them "ready to go". I blame senior enlisted leadership, CMC all the way down. That boat is your fuckin life, you can't imagine the conversations I've had over this mess. I will say this, there are "Damn few left" those that give a shit. These clowns (In my opinion)have put a major black eye on the Navy, the boat community, Chiefs, can't say shit about the officer, that shit speaks for itself don't it? (I'da keel hauled that fucker and left him for chum on the way back, pussy) I get pissed everytime I think about this.

    OK, what's happened? What's been the knee jerk from the Navy? This "I do know" since the "boarding incident" training throughout the "boat community" and when I say that I mean any deploy-able, squadron, unit, detachment that uses said craft, PC, MK-5, MK-6, SOCR, 11 meter RHIB, etc. Examples, Minewarfare clearance crews, Special Warfare Combatant Craft Crews, Coastal Patrol crews, Riverine crews, etc. What training? COMfuckingBAT, SERE, Urban warfare, convoy, landnav, first aid, you name it.
    Guess who's been going? Senior leadership, primarily then they are taking their crews to learn how to operate effectively as a team. Also to see if these puss nut dip dunk muther fucs can lead. Oh and they're missing a few now to.........some couldn't deal with the snakes and swamps of Miss. others the incoming lead (total breakdown in a firefight) yeah it really trims the fat. Better here then over there.........Still waiting on the SERE reports, still my favorite but this could prove troublesome once I get a "fresh from the box" course feedback from a squid. They probably toned that down too. I already heard that the Air Force is doing SERE online now. Should prove to be helpful in a tight spot eh? OK, I need to do something productive on this rainy day. Out!
    Question I got is, are the kids coming in actually capable of taking man-o'warsman real be-ready-to-fight training, or are they thinking the whole damn thing's a videogame??

    SERE online??!!?? What numbnuts thought of that?

    BWRR, I was in during Reagan, during a time when there was 600 ships in the Navy and 16 divisions in the Army. If my DI's were told that, in the future, a recruit could hold up a little yellow card when they were feeling 'stressed' and it would get them out of PT, they would have laughed the teller into the next timezone.

    Relying on tech toys to bail out a situation is rank folly. $#it happens, and the more technologically advanced, the more likely it is to happen.

    Doesn't anyone get it?

  4. #34
    looking at their tools while posting pictures of mine.
    Domeguy's Avatar
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    about 20 minutes outside Lynchburg, TN...but which way...
    How do I get me one of them ther yeller cards. Seems it could be useful when dealing with my next ex-wife. You want to go shoppen...yeller card. You want me to go and get a job...yeller card. You've been sleeping with my brother...yeller card!
    "Teach the children quietly
    For someday sons and daughters
    Will rise up and fight while we stood still"

    I stayed up all night to see where the sun went. Then it dawned on me.

  5. #35
    Bacon saver

    Brownwater Riverrat 13's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Kesephist View Post
    Question I got is, are the kids coming in actually capable of taking man-o'warsman real be-ready-to-fight training, or are they thinking the whole damn thing's a videogame??

    SERE online??!!?? What numbnuts thought of that?

    BWRR, I was in during Reagan, during a time when there was 600 ships in the Navy and 16 divisions in the Army. If my DI's were told that, in the future, a recruit could hold up a little yellow card when they were feeling 'stressed' and it would get them out of PT, they would have laughed the teller into the next timezone.

    Relying on tech toys to bail out a situation is rank folly. $#it happens, and the more technologically advanced, the more likely it is to happen.

    Doesn't anyone get it?
    Damn talk about breathing life into a mummy.......missed this one, really? OK let's get back to your questions.
    OK, I'm ten yrs out of retirement now. Things have changed certainly, even from when I was in I was battling these same issues.
    1. Nintendo warriors are alive and well and still a viable asset this depends on senior enlisted leadership, NCO's, Chiefs. Are they savvy, do they lead from the front by example or do they ride from the rear and on the backs of their men? This is what makes or breaks the sailor or soldier. If he/she was FUBAR before they came to you then it's up to you to fix them or send them packin.
    2. SERE online, who thought of that? Well that's an easy one, who's been in charge of the military's social club for the last 8yrs? Times are changing rapidly as we speak on this subject as we speak. When this topic was being written, things were falling apart from within because the Navy got caught with their pants down. LEADERSHIP!
    3. Reagan yrs, Pres. Reagan was attempting to put together a 600 ship Navy........didn't happen but he was trying. It got squashed. Navy had a Blue "stress" card, it came to be in 94 right after I finished my tour as a DI "Company Commander" they shut down San Diego and Orlando just before that and we were taking in ALL of the Navy's recruits by then............Clusterfuck! I was so glad to be heading to my next command. The "Blue" card was short lived.

    4. I trained by "Murphy's Law" that's the way "I" was trained and that's the way "I" passed it down. There's just somethings you can't replace, "your fuckin head stupid" "If you can't think in the shit then you will became the shit that gets stepped on when we come crashing through cause you didn't think"

    5. If it's electronic, it will not work when you need it.
    6. If it takes batteries, when you need it they will be dead or dying.
    7. If it's a "Red Dot" scope, chances are you won't see the "Red dot"
    8. Shall I continue? Radios? Weapons? Gear?
    Be safe.............the night is your friend.



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