Quote Originally Posted by ElevenBravo
I think were about two spits and a shit from war... if we had a POTUS with a backbone anyway...
Even Fat Bill would have done something... oh, wait, he was Mr. "I despise the military" and managed to lose the 'biscuit'.

Not getting these troops out of there promptly will be yet another of a stack of, IMO, violations of US Code, Title 18, Part I, Chapter 115, paragraph 2381

Quote Originally Posted by ElevenBravo
Oddly, we have ISIS in our states, and Iran is holding the Navy hostage... nothing is being done, but our leaders can find time to cry over a false flag... EB
The late Southern comedian and WWII Navy veteran Jerry Clower said it dead on... This country will never fall from the outside, it will fall from within. The only part he didn't see (who would?) was that some of the fall would be PUSH, and that from 1600 Penn.
