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Thread: We got problems in the future....

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  1. #1
    For the Love of Cats

    Sniper-T's Avatar
    Join Date
    Sep 2011
    The Great White North!
    I agree and yet disagree...

    I have both college and university education... paid for by me! I worked two, and sometimes three jobs while attending higher education to pay for my tuition/books, and my rent/food/car/insurance/and play money.

    Student loans are handy for those who don't wish to work, or who don't care about being saddled with debt. I had 'friends' at the time who funded their entire scholastic career via loans... and when they graduated, they declared bankruptcy, and wiped their slate clean. And no. that's not right either.

    I firmly believe that people whom are given a free ride, take it as such, and expend the same amount of effort... those whose parents saved up for 20 years, and who worked part time jobs all their lives, put forth far greater effort into university.

    Caveman, I went to university with a status member of society as well... as per our regulations (at least at the time), he had to take and show passing marks in two courses (paid for by the gov't), in exchange, he was given free tuition/books, a house, a car and his university parking was paid for. He was given money for food and entertainment. All of his monthly bills were paid.

    When I met him, he was in his fourteenth year, finishing his second useless degree, and trying to figure out what to take for his third. He was a career student, admittingly with no plans to ever stop. in his own words 'why should I? If I stop going to school, the government would stop giving me money.'

    Domeguy, I agree with your point on tenure... I had one prof, in his late eighties, whom would come to class each day, and tell us to read pages x-y in the text book, and then fall asleep in the front of the auditorium for the next hour. day after day, class after class. hundreds of complaints... no change. he died in his sleep in his office, over ten years later, still on the payroll, and still sleeping through every class. Tenure!

    It blows my mind... the entire concept of the working poor. A couple just built a house across the road from me. both in their early twenties, right out of university, and just starting their first jobs...
    4000+ sq foot house
    2 brand new vehicles
    1 brand new quad
    1 brand new boat
    60" tv
    $10,000+ sound system
    and on and on...
    They have a million dollar, 50 year mortgage.
    Last year, the wife hit the ditch and totalled her car... they refinanced the mortgage, and bought her a brand new one.

    If either one of them gets laid off for more than a month or two, they will forfeit everything.
    If the bank rates go up, they will not be able to afford to live there, they will forfeit everything.

    So tell me, why would they think that it is necessary for them to build a $700,000 house as their 'starter home'?? Why is this becoming the 'norm'?

    Give a man fire, and he'll be warm for a day!
    Light a man on fire, and he'll be warm for the rest of his life!

    Cat's are food... not friends!

    If you're going to fight, then fight like you're the third monkey on the ramp into Noah's arc... and brother, it's starting to rain.

  2. #2
    I have still yet to grow a brain
    Vodin's Avatar
    Join Date
    May 2012
    My education. My parents loaned me the cash for a semester and I took the courses and worked a full time job. At the end of every semester I paid them back. And then it was repeated until I got a degree. They want me to continue but I run my own business now and have little time for more education. If you don't work/pay for an 'item' you will have little respect for that item.
    The tallest oak in the forest was once just a nut who held its ground.

    Be decisive. Right or Wrong, make a decision. The road of life is paved with flat squirrels who could not make a decision.



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