Good work.

As you say, diet is the key. You cannot exercise enough to compensate for a bad diet. And what is bad? Pretty much everything the government tells you to eat. Grains, carbs, and diet sweeteners; eating lots of small meals. Funny how the obesity and diabetes (both types) epidemics started pretty much the same time the government started shilling for agriculture.

There are a couple of books I recommend:

The Big Fat Surprise


The Obesity Code

In short, don't worry about your blood glucose: Worry about your blood insulin. Dont snack. Dont worry about dietary fat: Worry about carbs - including 'healthy' fruit. The sugar in fruit, fructose, is REALLY bad for you: Far worse than glucose or table sugar. And excess blood glucose is converted to FAT, by insulin.

Your body does NOT require ANY external carbohydrates. Your body will produce all the glucose it NEEDS, from fats and proteins. Excess sugar is just bad.