That I did, Chief, that I did. I got overcome by events out here, and am returning to the sites in ? to see what can be managed. Gotta say, though, it is gonna look like I'm "hobbying' the thing, the way some of the hyper-rich out here are doing with properties out here.

Not me, though...I'm not in great need of vast acres. I WILL have a place, once whatever property is got, within 12 months of getting the parcel. Whether its a pad big enough for a 12' trailer and a garage for what wheels, or some fugly square thing built out of cinderblock... but once in, THAT will be home... Finally, after a half a century.

Lewisburg wasn't in my late friend's database.I'll have to adjust to that.

It WILL be clear... enduring another Vegas Walmart holiday season before getting out there may be needful... but, heaven in agreement, it WILL be the last.

And YES, these schmucks already have Christmas trees up.