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Thread: Ladies and Gentlemen, I need your help

  1. #11
    Dont worry about shitting yourself
    Gunfixr's Avatar
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    Sep 2011
    Virginia, USA
    Well, not much useful going on in my life.
    Not prepping right now, working towards a move.
    Never really gardened or did other "homestead" type things here on the city, but after the move, plan to.
    Not really doing a whole lot of gun stuff, work has declined. In fact, I become unemployed next week, as the shop is closing. I can post a couple builds, that's about it. Did get a gun class last summer.
    Transportation, comms hasn't changed much, in a holding pattern.
    Not much medical, did get a suturing class last summer.
    No bushcraft in the big city, will be after the move.
    Sick of politics.
    Not much money, it's going out in far more directions than what comes in.

    The move? On hold. Recently passed father's house for sale, psycho sister screwing the deal.
    Now, if you want to hear my life's drama, I got enough of that to fill volumes.
    But that's about all I got, for most of the past year, and into the immediate, at least, future.
    This site isn't about drama, so I've tried to keep that down.

    Sent from my SGP612 using Tapatalk
    Liberty is not a cruise ship full of pampered passengers.
    Liberty is a Man-Of-War, and we are all crew.

  2. #12
    Walking on Sunshine

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    Feb 2012
    Mid Michigan
    Sorry haven't been on as regularly. Work has been a b**ch due to company "re-organizations", people leaving, I'm now doing 3 other peoples jobs along with trying to keep my own work up. Now that I moved retirement date to the 29th of this month I'll be able to get on more. I get home from work now, eat dinner, sit down to watch a TV show and Dahubs wakes me up to go to bed. I'm exhausted but on a happier note all my grand babies will be here Sunday, so Christmas will be AWESOME for us. May all my Ant family have a Great Christmas and a safe and Happy New Year
    Love you guys!!

  3. #13
    For the Love of Cats

    Sniper-T's Avatar
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    The Great White North!
    c'mon ladyhawk... I for one miss your posts. let's hear some updates about the chicken coop... and more. I guess I have to admit... I miss the opportunity to tease you about your favourite food... cat-burgers!

    Give a man fire, and he'll be warm for a day!
    Light a man on fire, and he'll be warm for the rest of his life!

    Cat's are food... not friends!

    If you're going to fight, then fight like you're the third monkey on the ramp into Noah's arc... and brother, it's starting to rain.

  4. #14
    Do you have a robot?
    realist's Avatar
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    Northern CA,
    Okay I have not excuse. I hope to be posting more in the future.

    Gunfixr where you moving to???
    If it is predictable then it is preventable....... Gordon Graham

    So if it is predictable and preventable then you better prepare.

  5. #15
    stark assed naked and butt to nut with no issues
    Stormfeather's Avatar
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    Sep 2011
    Yea Ive been screwing the pooch on a lot of shit lately, will step up my game! On a side note... for the holidays, I have my ex-"want to have drunk sex because we're bored" alcoholic booty call sharing my house with me for the holidays with my new to me 17 year old daughter... can we all say....awkward..?

    Dragonfly (Sandi) is taking it much better than I am.
    Its fine to have one,
    Its fine to be proud of it,
    But please dont whip it out in public and start waving it around,
    And PLEASE dont try to force it down my children's throats.

    An armed society is a polite society. Manners are good when one may have to back up his acts with his life.

  6. #16
    Bacon saver

    Brownwater Riverrat 13's Avatar
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    Oct 2011
    Quote Originally Posted by Stormfeather View Post
    Yea Ive been screwing the pooch on a lot of shit lately, will step up my game! On a side note... for the holidays, I have my ex-"want to have drunk sex because we're bored" alcoholic booty call sharing my house with me for the holidays with my new to me 17 year old daughter... can we all say....awkward..?

    Dragonfly (Sandi) is taking it much better than I am.
    Dude, you're having all the fun. Everyone is getting divorced around here. It does sound interesting though. But the guys do seem to have smiles on their faces. They all got new girlfriends..............

    OK so where were you 17yrs ago?
    Be safe.............the night is your friend.

  7. #17
    looking at their tools while posting pictures of mine.
    Domeguy's Avatar
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    about 20 minutes outside Lynchburg, TN...but which way...
    Guilty as charged with the zero input...but at least I have a REAL reason...busy with the new BEWBS. I'm sure that new BEWB smell will wear off soon enough...
    "Teach the children quietly
    For someday sons and daughters
    Will rise up and fight while we stood still"

    I stayed up all night to see where the sun went. Then it dawned on me.

  8. #18
    Bacon saver

    Brownwater Riverrat 13's Avatar
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    JWTFIT? Cause don't have a damn clue what you're talking about. Other than I haven't heard from your since this "Baker person" got ahold of you. You became the "over fed, long haired leaping Gnome" anyway, let me know when you change residents.
    Be safe.............the night is your friend.

  9. #19
    Dont worry about shitting yourself
    Gunfixr's Avatar
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    Virginia, USA
    Moving out to the country.
    Had to hit the Ira to get money to put up a building for my equipment, and then fix the house. Took weeks for the damn building permit, now it either rains or snows. The whole damn thing is at a standstill, and we're about to have to pay another months rent on the closed store building because we can't get out.
    I just spend every day frustrated, not making progress in any direction, funds slowly dwindling, no income.
    Wife says I drink too much, she's probably right. But if I weren't numb, I'd just be depressed.

    I'm not getting divorced, at least as far as I know.
    But, I am the mushroom in my house, so who knows?

    Sent from my SGP612 using Tapatalk
    Liberty is not a cruise ship full of pampered passengers.
    Liberty is a Man-Of-War, and we are all crew.

  10. #20
    Where's the epi?

    ladyhk13's Avatar
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    Sep 2011
    Quote Originally Posted by Sniper-T View Post
    c'mon ladyhawk... I for one miss your posts. let's hear some updates about the chicken coop... and more. I guess I have to admit... I miss the opportunity to tease you about your favourite food... cat-burgers!

    Awe...u miss me? Miss u too Sniper Dude. Well after 4.5 years of fighting all those corporations we finally got them to settle on that land we bought. Now we are looking for a new piece all over again. It takes hours and hours of sifting through websites looking for something that might be something we would even consider looking at. Hate having to go through this process again but gotta do it.
    I got two new baby chicks this summer, named the boy Abraham and the girl Buttercup. Was great until they turned out buttercup was the boy and Abraham was the girl! So, just changed Abraham to Avi and she still knows her name. Such a beautiful and loving girl she is! I go out to clean the coop and their yard area and she jumps up on my shoulder and rides everywhere with me waiting patiently for yum yum time. Buttercup will see me and come running or cock a doodle doo if I don't pay attention to him right away. He talks to me by saying 'wadda wadda wadda' and tries to jump on my arm but he's gotten too big already! So I just have to pick him up and love on him. Think he and my male Guinea hen don't like each other though, Buttercups comb which is huge, has been bloodied twice already and he's white so it looks like someone has tried to butcher him! Overall, I love my chickens and try to spend as much time with them as possible.
    I made a contact with the owners of a breakfast place in town and they happily agreed to let me have egg shells to give my girls. They save them in a 5 gallon pickle bucket for me and I can just dry them out and crush them. Figure by the time summer gets here I should have gallons of shell. They won't eat oyster shell so this is perfect for egg production. I haven't been getting any eggs the past couple of months so I started giving them shells about a week ago and I have 3 girls who have started laying again. How cool is that? Love free stuff.
    BWRR bought me the coolest hand hammered copper still from Portugal for Hanukkah. It's so I can make my own essential oils. Obviously I won't be able to do any until the summer when everything is ready to harvest. Maybe we should make some hootch in the meantime while I can. Once oils are made in it can't use it for anything else.
    How far are you from N. Dakota?
    I apologize for nothing...



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