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Thread: Unintended prepper exercise

  1. #1
    Senior Member

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    Unintended prepper exercise

    I was just out buying soil as I am getting my plants in the garden and pots, and I was listening to the radio, when all of a sudden the broadcast was interrupted by "EEE-oh-EEE-oh-EEE-oh"... the emergency broadcast signal.

    I have to be honest... the first thing uttered out of my pie hole was "Alright, here we go!"

    I looked at the sky, no storms a-brewing, I thought about river levels.... no flooding possibilities, I thought of an attack of some sorts (North Korea, fanatics and extremists, angry conservatives lol) , even thought of a possible event at the virology lab of infectious diseases that is stationed in my city.

    My BOBs in my cars came to mind, and my GOOD Bin in my shed along with my grab and go additional supplies. For the fam and the pets.

    I thought of how to reach my son, and my parents (and even my brother). I thought of how to contact my friends with whom I prep and practice with.

    I then thought of the easiest route to pick up the wife from work and how to get to my cabin in the woods should there be an issue leaving the city.

    I was calm, collected, and practical.

    Then the words came across the radio "this is a test of the emergency broadcast signal, in the event of a real emergency..."

    And just like that it was over. The end of times did not happen, I wouldn't need to Mad Max up, I still had to go back to work on Friday. I'm still BBQing burgers tonight.

    I have to thank, in part, the Ant Colony. You see, all of those thoughts that ran through my head happened in the space of ten seconds or less until the all clear came over the radio. In that span I was able to begin my bug out to safety. While I plan and prepare all of the time anyways, many ideas and advice that I have embraced from these pages have worked their way into my prep plans.

    For that I want to give a big thanks to you all!


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    Last edited by Caveman Survival; 05-10-2017 at 08:27 PM.

  2. #2
    I'll most likely shit myself

    bacpacker's Avatar
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    Very good thought process. Personally I tend to shut them out because they are tested so often around here and at work. I need to pay better attention.

  3. #3
    For the Love of Cats

    Sniper-T's Avatar
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    I agree with CS... while we do have tests, most often they are real. Although they may be far enough from home to not be an issue, 99% of the time when they're real... I have friends and family in the danger zone.

    That eeee-oooo-eee-ooo always perks my ears up and I grab my phone ready to alert those necessary.

    Great post CS... great reminder to us all.
    Give a man fire, and he'll be warm for a day!
    Light a man on fire, and he'll be warm for the rest of his life!

    Cat's are food... not friends!

    If you're going to fight, then fight like you're the third monkey on the ramp into Noah's arc... and brother, it's starting to rain.

  4. #4
    Do you have a robot?
    realist's Avatar
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    The only sirens around here are for the volunteer fire department about 10 miles away. I can not remember when the last announcement came across the TV. Well I understand why they don't do them anymore. It would be ashamed if it were to interrupt the View or a ball game, heaven forbid.
    If it is predictable then it is preventable....... Gordon Graham

    So if it is predictable and preventable then you better prepare.

  5. #5
    Bacon saver

    Brownwater Riverrat 13's Avatar
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    Hey think that was great. The pucker factor hit a 5.2 and your mind went into gear, the check list popped up and you went into action. The radio then said "drill" great but it got your head in the game. Self assessment..........go from there. Hey, next time it goes down just have a full blown drill of your own and follow through. Whatever your "plan" might be, run it till your think you feel comfy.
    Be safe.............the night is your friend.

  6. #6
    Senior Member

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    Caveman, good thought process. A few months back when we were getting some strong rains here in Socal and the alert sound came on over the cable TV (I was working on the computer, using the TV as background) it immediately got my attention as there had been talk of floods and flash floods. I immediately got the pucker factor, looked at the TV and noticed it simply said test. I went back to work. I like your thought process better.

  7. #7
    Walking on Sunshine

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    Caveman, great thought process. DIL and I were out at local warehouse picking up some bulk stuff couple of months age and the alarm went off for tornadoes, we had been under warnings for the last couple of days then. I grabbed her and hustled her into the ladies (protected area) and started to plot how to get home and what I had in the way of supplies.Son 2 was at our house with the kids and DH. It was just the monthly drill to my chagrin but I didn't realize how my thought process has changed over the last few years. Thank you Ant family.

  8. #8
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    Just in the last 10 days we have had Harvey punch Texas, a big fire in Los Angeles, Irma is getting Florida in her sights, North Korea has tested another nuclear device.

    Sooner or later some big manure is going to hit the rotating blade near YOU. If you are on this board you are probably prepared for something.

    One thing that I "preach" is to be prepared for what could hit you. If you lived in my part of the country hurricanes and tornadoes are not going to be a factor. If you are in south Florida forget about earthquakes. A very real possibility in every area is insurrection. However, no matter whre you live, be ready to ride things out for at least a few weeks.

  9. #9
    Bacon saver

    Brownwater Riverrat 13's Avatar
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    Beans, bullets and Band-Aids Brother! I remember a series once called "Revolution" it did bloom an assload of scenario driven discussion on a weekly basis here on the site. Somehow I kinda got the feelin we might be seeing the "Insurance man" sooner than we think.........

    Here's the way I see it. I don't think Ho Chi Fat fuck can make it this far with a missile before it would knocked out of the sky.
    1. Say he did, maybe he got an air burst within a few hundred miles of the west coast. An EMP from a few hundred miles would do damage, it would fry a good chunk. It would knock the power grid that IS TIED TOGETHER with most of the US. (wonder what that would do?)

    2. We currently have been wiped by 1 soon to be 2 major hurricanes and we are about to enter a world of impatient people. Either we become a Nation of Americans or there will be chaos. This is just the beginning with this mess. My biggest fear is "people" true colors will come out and let's see how the nation (the people)responds. As far as the politicians go we'll probably be fucked.

    3. Revelations 12.......dug into that one yet? 23SEP17 yup, supposed to be fire and brimstone. Get your mind right with Jesus friends. The signs are in the sun, moon, planets and stars.

    4. Lest we forget 11SEP17? People love our anniversaries.

    OK, thoughts to ponder.
    Be safe.............the night is your friend.

  10. #10
    I have still yet to grow a brain
    Vodin's Avatar
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    Kinda nice my wife is hoping aboard the prepper train. She looked at me while we were listening to the radio and said... "We need a fire/water proof box for our documents..." I was silent for a moment.. Did she just say... naw... it sounded like she did!! So I asked here to give me what she wanted to save so I can image them on the external HDD. We will get one them fire/water proof bees as well.
    The tallest oak in the forest was once just a nut who held its ground.

    Be decisive. Right or Wrong, make a decision. The road of life is paved with flat squirrels who could not make a decision.



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