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  1. #1
    Walking on Sunshine

    Join Date
    Feb 2012
    Mid Michigan

    Prayers needed

    For my grand nephew. He's only 3 months old and is in CHAD hospital in New Hampshire. We don't know what is wrong but one side of his face started drooping yesterday. The family doctor sent them to the children's hospital today for tests. So far he's had a spinal tap, MRI. I hope the doctors can help him and there isn't anything serious. My niece and nephew in law tried for years to have children. His big sister(3) is very upset that her little brother couldn't go home with her and daddy tonight.
    Thank you

  2. #2
    For the Love of Cats

    Sniper-T's Avatar
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    OH Wow Kat, so sad. I hope that it is resolved quickly and happily.

    Thoughts and prayers out to you, my friend.
    Give a man fire, and he'll be warm for a day!
    Light a man on fire, and he'll be warm for the rest of his life!

    Cat's are food... not friends!

    If you're going to fight, then fight like you're the third monkey on the ramp into Noah's arc... and brother, it's starting to rain.

  3. #3
    Walking on Sunshine

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    Mid Michigan
    Thank you I hope so too. Evidently they found a little blood on the brain. Hospital is going to contact CPS now because they "suspect" abuse. I'm sorry but I really am angry right now My niece and nephew are super parents to the point my niece could be considered a "helicopter" mother with both the kids. Grand nephew was born with teeth buds on the surface of his gums and was premature and the doctors in Vermont have been monitoring him regularly but since the hospital is in New Hampshire, they don't know my niece. I know they may be following procedure but really to jump to abuse when they can't find anything wrong right now?? Lord I hope nothing else gets piled on them.

  4. #4
    I'll most likely shit myself

    bacpacker's Avatar
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    Prayers going up for a great outcome.

  5. #5
    Bacon saver

    Brownwater Riverrat 13's Avatar
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    I have been in those shoes, and I am right there with them. I'll let LadyHK know, we are with you! Hope everything is well.
    Be safe.............the night is your friend.

  6. #6
    Walking on Sunshine

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    Mid Michigan
    Thanks BRR and BP It seems my niece's visiting nurse talked to the hospital (I think she reamed them a new one LOL) and NO calls to CPS, however the child advocate at the hospital told her that there might be a home visit just to confirm what the visiting nurse told them. He's been moved to a regular Peds room and out of PICU .So far they have ruled out Lyme disease and HSV (Herpes Simplex Virus) They have said the face drooping may be idiopathic and the small amount of blood on his brain may have been a small vessel rupture but he is getting better, niece says his face is not drooping so much and he's nursing really good.Thank you all again for the prayers , keep them coming.

  7. #7
    CC Gray Panther
    eagle326's Avatar
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    Hope everything continues to get better Kat. As a father ; grand father and great grandfather it's hard to watch one so young having medical problems. The best we can do is be there if needed as you're doing.
    As for C.P.S. We had to deal with them when my 3rd. oldest ;a daughter thought she smarter than us.Her best friend's mom called them on us because she said our rules were too strict. 2 girls come to house with thick black notebooks. Both in their mid 20's. Started asking questions and I asked if they had children and they said no. Asked where they got info on child raising and they said their notebooks.

    I proceeded to read them the riot act.
    1- Books don't raise kids and if you don't have any ; you know squat diddly.
    2- Explained rules of house and as long as they aren't abusive which they weren't you should have come to us in a civil manner instead of I'm the law type attitude.
    3- Everything with in the fenced boundary is my kingdom ; I'm the king and my wife is my queen. We are benevolent rulers but will not tolerate disrespect or breaking of rules.
    4- She has 2 choices ; follow rules or you 2 can take her and show us how it's done. It's up to her.
    5- Lastly we don't bluff so choose carefully.
    6- With that we told them to leave our house and if they ever come at us again like Gestapo we will sue them & agency till we own them. And if their boss doesn't like it #4 still applies.

    Daughter came home from friend's and became a successful young lady . If I did this today I'd probably go to jail.

    We'll keep you in our thoughts that all comes out for the better.

  8. #8
    Bacon saver

    Brownwater Riverrat 13's Avatar
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    Missed the whole CPS thing there for a minute, but my "little one" was a pre-me, had undeveloped lungs and developed internal bleeding, removed her spleen and she survived and came out six weeks later. Was a long struggle after that and I was a drill instructor at the time. Best thing about it was I was in the Navy, my bills were covered, I paid about $1500 after it was all said and done. CPS did come later after I divorced her mom. She came up for a visit (daughter) and because she didn't call her mom back her family called the local LEOs to my house.............yeah, some things just never change. But hey, my daughter and LadyHK and I are all one big happy family so all is good. Things do eventually work out.......for some. CPS sticks there nose in when they don't need to and don't when they're supposed to.
    Be safe.............the night is your friend.

  9. #9
    Walking on Sunshine

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    Feb 2012
    Mid Michigan
    Eagle , BRR Thanks how well I know. When Son2 was 18 months old I dislocated my lower leg and DH was taking him to a sitter Son 2 would not keep his shoes/boots on in the car going to the sitters and I got a visit from CPS "abuse thru neglect" is what she told me. Long story short when the woman walked in, yes just walked in, I was on the phone with kids pediatrician when I told him who it was, he had me hand the phone to her and proceeded to ream her a new one about the "neglect" Needless to say she was pretty embarrassed and couldn't get out of the house fast enough AND as DH was an employee at DSS, it embarrassed the hell out of him as well. Turned out it was the sitter who called because as we found out years later, she didn't really want to take care of Son 2 just Son 1 after school.

    - - - Updated - - -

    Got an update on grandnephew. The test for Lyme hasn't come back yet. They are going to do an ultra sound and his Cranial facial appt is scheduled for Tuesday. Now they are doing a CAP(child advocacy and protection) skeletal x-ray Nurse told niece it's standard procedure. Hopefully this will be over soon and they can go home.
    Thank you all for the prayers and support

  10. #10
    may be in trouble

    Join Date
    May 2015
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    Quote Originally Posted by Katrina View Post
    Eagle , BRR Thanks how well I know. When Son2 was 18 months old I dislocated my lower leg and DH was taking him to a sitter Son 2 would not keep his shoes/boots on in the car going to the sitters and I got a visit from CPS "abuse thru neglect" is what she told me. Long story short when the woman walked in, yes just walked in, I was on the phone with kids pediatrician when I told him who it was, he had me hand the phone to her and proceeded to ream her a new one about the "neglect" Needless to say she was pretty embarrassed and couldn't get out of the house fast enough AND as DH was an employee at DSS, it embarrassed the hell out of him as well. Turned out it was the sitter who called because as we found out years later, she didn't really want to take care of Son 2 just Son 1 after school.

    - - - Updated - - -

    Got an update on grandnephew. The test for Lyme hasn't come back yet. They are going to do an ultra sound and his Cranial facial appt is scheduled for Tuesday. Now they are doing a CAP(child advocacy and protection) skeletal x-ray Nurse told niece it's standard procedure. Hopefully this will be over soon and they can go home.
    Thank you all for the prayers and support
    I don't suppose the sitter got any charges laid on her for filing false report, eh?

    Similar deal happened to one of my tourist customers. He's from Texas, and when the dust settled, the jackalette that pulled all this crap on his family was presented with a copy of Texas' castle doctrine and a written request not to contact him or his family, and was required to sign a receipt for the letter. The presenting party was the guy's lawyer, the county DA, and a Texas state trooper, with a cameraman filming it.



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