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Thread: Charlottesville VA

  1. #11
    He's old and grumpy, but not fat. He'll be right back...he has to go tell some kids to get off his lawn

    Stg1swret's Avatar
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    Boston and the Boston Police won't tolerate things getting as out of control as Charlottesville. They'll seal the area off, and more than likely keep the two groups as far apart as possible. A lot of very narrow streets, and a lot of historic buildings to be protected. Boston learned a lot after the Marathon bombing, and will put that to use.

    ANTIFA is just an ultra left hate group with no real agenda. They oppose anything right wing, and destroy property, both private and public because it is there, and this they think is legitimate protest, as opposed to vandalism.
    "There are no winners in war, only bigger losers"

    If you see me or hear me coming, I'm not doing my job.

  2. #12
    may be in trouble

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    Quote Originally Posted by Stg1swret View Post
    Boston and the Boston Police won't tolerate things getting as out of control as Charlottesville. They'll seal the area off, and more than likely keep the two groups as far apart as possible. A lot of very narrow streets, and a lot of historic buildings to be protected. Boston learned a lot after the Marathon bombing, and will put that to use.

    ANTIFA is just an ultra left hate group with no real agenda. They oppose anything right wing, and destroy property, both private and public because it is there, and this they think is legitimate protest, as opposed to vandalism.
    A leaner, less ethical version of the Weimar-era SA, with no Ernst Rohm-like public head.

    Remember, too, that the Va Governor, a prime Clintonite tool, was sending in the VA National Guard, and probably getting aroused at the violence. Conservative protestors have to have their best foot forward in blue havens like Massachusetts

  3. #13
    Bacon saver

    Brownwater Riverrat 13's Avatar
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    I remember the Boston mayor also letting the people tear the place up after the little dipshit got his head broke in the back of the paddy wagon. Giving LEO the stand down order as I recall................oh......baltimore.........
    Be safe.............the night is your friend.

  4. #14
    I have still yet to grow a brain
    Vodin's Avatar
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    Antifa=Left Wing Agitators=Occupy Wall Street and they are supported by George S. This is going to be a long running issue.
    The tallest oak in the forest was once just a nut who held its ground.

    Be decisive. Right or Wrong, make a decision. The road of life is paved with flat squirrels who could not make a decision.

  5. #15
    He's old and grumpy, but not fat. He'll be right back...he has to go tell some kids to get off his lawn

    Stg1swret's Avatar
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    The Charlottesville protest, started over the removal of a statue and renaming of a park which honored Robert E Lee. The park and statue have been there for decades. The question is why was this being done, and is it a trend that will continue, and where does it end. Was it because Lee is the best known symbol of the Confederacy next to the "Stars and Bars", or because he inherited slaves, and kept them for a short time? Does the alt left want all such symbols removed for the landscape of America? Does it stop there, or do they wish to continue down that slope removing and vestiges of those who owned slaves? If so then an awful lot of things need to be torn up or renamed. Most of the signers of the Declaration of Independence were slave owners, does it make that document any less important. Should we tear down the Washington Monument, Jefferson Memorial, Mt Vernon, Monticello, rename the capital, and any other structures towns or buildings named after anyone who held slaves. What about those who belonged to or supported the KKK? Should Mt Rushmore, or Stone Mountain be destroyed? Where do we draw the line.

    The Taliban, Mao in China, and numerous other totalitarian regiems have done the same thing because they found something offensive.

    Our countries history is full of dark incidents that should never of happened. No country is without such events. We learned from it, and trying to erase it will not make it go away. If we don't remember it, we are doomed to repeat it.

    It is time we as a people got back to teaching our whole and real history, both good and bad. When doing so, it is also important that we teach the events that happened in the context of the times, and not project our current values on the times we are looking at.
    "There are no winners in war, only bigger losers"

    If you see me or hear me coming, I'm not doing my job.

  6. #16
    may be in trouble

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    Not offensive... competitive.

    Antifa et al doesn't want any reference to any good that those who held slaves did. Or, for that matter, any good by any one other than themselves.

    For myself, the best good Antifa could do is to dry up and blow away, and leave us to our lawful occasions without harassment any more.

  7. #17
    Bacon saver

    Brownwater Riverrat 13's Avatar
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    Nope, it's not going to end, I flipped to racheal mad cow (I'm fair and seriously unballasted) last night and watched her do her kkk intro and then she said The President's Dad was arrested at a kkk rally and showed all these "documents"...........aaaaannd at that point I tuned into one of my shows we had recorded. SO, TN is at a stand still...politically...for the moment........but let's see how long that lasts. Had a "few" loud mouths the other day but that's all I've heard locally.

    Right now I see a massive division going on on network television. Everyone who "thinks" they are someone is going either left or left. The right is being quiet, but the President is not and "I" think he is doing and saying the right far, hell I thought he caved the other day and then he came back with flying colors and he's not going to let ANY of it fly across the board. Keep it up Buddy your doing great!
    Be safe.............the night is your friend.

  8. #18
    CC Gray Panther
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    This has been pushed since Saul Alinsky wrote the rules for complete take of our beloved country. Give the Commie Bastards credit. They have patience and a ever evolving plan. We're in the mist of a dumbed down induced propaganda campaign the likes unseen in many generations.

    They're marshalling forces of uneducated people to use as cannon fodder as their front line of defense. They believe overwhelming numbers will turn the battle into victory for their 1 world rule. Bonsai didn't work out well in W.W. 2 and it will have even greater casualties than before.
    Chaos doesn't win wars ; They who are methodical in their beliefs and desire to be totally a Freeman are those willing to do the unthinkable in order to overcome and annihilate the threat in front of them even unto death so that others may live free. The Left thinks in the next 10 steps where as we look at the whole picture and it's cost.

    We know the cost is never too high as long as it's the enemy who has these pains. Our job is not to win ; It's to destroy ; wreak havoc and totally crush the enemy to the point of dust so that they will think hard and long before ever giving thought to ruling over the Quiet ones.
    My brothers and sisters ; We can only control that which we have. Our freedom is a birthright given by the powers above. As a wise man once said. ( We have given you a Constitutional Republic if you can keep it )

    The powers above gave us the freedom of being free as long as we didn't intrude upon others freedom or ours.
    We're at the time of reset and it shall come my brethren ; It shall come. At my age and wife's health all I can say is ( Take your best shot Bitch. )

    Just my 2 cents

  9. #19
    Dont worry about shitting yourself
    Gunfixr's Avatar
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    Why? That one is easy.
    We are at war. We don't really see it, as it's not a "hot" war in the classical sense, but it is a war nonetheless.
    America is the last bastion of freedom, what little we still have. The string pullers behind the world want us to fall, their greed dictates that all they already have isn't enough, they want the rest. America has always been strong, and for one primary reason; we have been United. It is hard to defeat a United enemy, no matter how little they have, or that they may be few.
    So, the war to remove our unity is being waged on multiple fronts. The family unit, the very core, is destroyed by killing the notion of the basic male/female pair, the children reared by those parents with the same code. The community, by making everyone strangers, with racism to make them fight over their skin color, with wealth and religious discrimination, to make them fight over those differences as well.
    We now hate each other at almost every level, do not trust one another for almost any excuse.
    For, our unity was the one thing that really could make and keep America great, no matter what anyone else did/said.
    Our unity was also the one thing that could keep us safe and free.
    Yeah, the 2nd is important, but a bunch of strangers with guns is not a formidable enemy, nothing compared to a unified group.

    Sent from my SGP612 using Tapatalk
    At least that's my opinion, probably worth about what you paid for it.
    Liberty is not a cruise ship full of pampered passengers.
    Liberty is a Man-Of-War, and we are all crew.

  10. #20
    Bacon saver

    Brownwater Riverrat 13's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by eagle326 View Post
    This has been pushed since Saul Alinsky wrote the rules for complete take of our beloved country. Give the Commie Bastards credit. They have patience and a ever evolving plan. We're in the mist of a dumbed down induced propaganda campaign the likes unseen in many generations.

    They're marshalling forces of uneducated people to use as cannon fodder as their front line of defense. They believe overwhelming numbers will turn the battle into victory for their 1 world rule. Bonsai didn't work out well in W.W. 2 and it will have even greater casualties than before.
    Chaos doesn't win wars ; They who are methodical in their beliefs and desire to be totally a Freeman are those willing to do the unthinkable in order to overcome and annihilate the threat in front of them even unto death so that others may live free. The Left thinks in the next 10 steps where as we look at the whole picture and it's cost.

    We know the cost is never too high as long as it's the enemy who has these pains. Our job is not to win ; It's to destroy ; wreak havoc and totally crush the enemy to the point of dust so that they will think hard and long before ever giving thought to ruling over the Quiet ones.
    My brothers and sisters ; We can only control that which we have. Our freedom is a birthright given by the powers above. As a wise man once said. ( We have given you a Constitutional Republic if you can keep it )

    The powers above gave us the freedom of being free as long as we didn't intrude upon others freedom or ours.
    We're at the time of reset and it shall come my brethren ; It shall come. At my age and wife's health all I can say is ( Take your best shot Bitch. )

    Just my 2 cents
    You are my Hero, Hoo-Yah! So, I could play keyboard warrior right now but I won't. I just watched my ten minutes of stupidity on the boob tube. Yup.....wait for it. Just keep up your prepping and make sure you have a "great" game plan. Make sure you have either a last stand or a Rendezvous point to meet with others.

    Gunfixr, no truer words have been spoken my friend. It's going to get ugly, I just want to be here for it, one last time. Damned if it won't be on home turf.
    Be safe.............the night is your friend.



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