Quote Originally Posted by Stg1swret View Post
A shooter killed 50+, and injured over 400 at shooting in Las Vegas. This was a well planed lone shooter attack. Shooter was found dead on the 32nd floor of a Vegas casino. 8 guns , 2 shooting platforms and video cameras to see the arrival of first responders were involved. Shooting occurred at the Mandalay Bay where a country and western concert was being held.
Still catching up on all of this. This man planned this out well before hand. He wanted as many dead before he followed through with taking his own life. It seems that large crowds of conservatives is now going to be target of choice. Just my 2 cents.
Just hope that this doesn't lead to tit for tat. Seems we're on the cusp of enough is enough. Stand ready for any new twist. My senses tell me the frog is getting hot in that boiling water.