Hey brother, WTFO? I'm beginning to feel your pain...........I have been busier than a 3 peckered billy goat as of late, supposed to be closing this afternoon, did the final walk through yesterday (inspect repairs on house) and it didn't go to well. Was waiting for the realtor (she needs to unlock the gate) and decided to flip open the main water meter at the road. The meter was spinning like a fart fan.......no one was on the property....we have a major leak......good plumber. Showed the realtor when she got there, she told me that the reducer valve was bad and the plumber was going to replace it. Uuuuuuh, maybe you'd think he would turn the water off eh? Anyway we got to the house and observed leak, I went down into the basement to check some of the other repair work and found water leaking into the basement from the leak underground.....wonderful. Oh yeah, anyway no damage done down there. Checked the elctrician's work (replaced all exterior receptacles with GFI's) one does not trip the other's cover wasn't attached (broken threads in box)and would allow major water intrusion. Hello..........what's with these people? I can see I will be standing over some people's shoulders when they do any work for me. Other than doing yourself it's hard getting it done and done right, it seems to be my luck as well lately with auto repair, but I won't get into that story. I'll keep you posted, and you need to give me a call. My dozer, tractor and implements of destruction are also on the launch pad to be hauled over there as well, all set up. We just need to close the deal and we'll be neighbors. So my days have been FUBAR lately brother at's why I haven't been around anywhere. Be safe, More to follow...............I'll have to start a new "resurrection" thread about our NEW property unless........Mr. Murphy raises his ugly fuckin head again.