The company I ordered the apparatus from claimed up to 3 weeks to ship. It took just short of two months...but “My Precious” finally arrived last week. I gave her a spit shine cleaning, and had a 6 gallon corn wash waiting for her. I used the 5/5/5 rule of 5 gallons water, 5 lbs corn, (15 cups) and 5 lbs sugar (10 cups) and the yeast. I waited 4 days for the bubbling to subside, as I didn’t have my test equipment when I started the mash, so I didn’t know it’s exact starch/sugar mix. I strained the mash and added it to “My Precious”. She got to cooking the mash pretty good, and soon she was kickinout the good stuff. I poured out the first 1/4 cup, and collected the rest in 8 oz jars. Now here is my dilemma, I’m not much of a drinker, I mean fuel I don’t know how it is supposed to taste. Others go by since of smell, which my Parkinson’s has cancelled out. I’m letting the jars air out for 48-72 hrs, then I guess I will have to go knocking door to door, and ask people to try a taste. I ran 4 liters of cheap wine through “My Precious” this afternoon, and got 8 oz of 75 proof “fuel for the Weed-eater”. I’ve got 15 gallons of something in the container mashing now. There is water, corn, sugar, powdered malt extract, and yeast bubbling away. I may have to run this in my tractor, as it should be somewhat higher proof than the first run. Oh, the life of a prepper...