But I am rethinking that now. The average person will most likely never need an AR in every day life. As long as we show up to work, do the 9-5 thing, go home and kiss little Johnnie on the forehead when we tuck him in, everything will be OK. But then think of what happened during the aftermath of hurricane Katrina. The city went crazy. There were roving gangs of highly armed thugs willing to do anything just to get a new tv, or to raid the liquor store. I fully believe in the fact that one day soon, a disaster of SOME KIND of a Biblical proportion will hit the US. From whom or where, that’s up to speculation, but I feel it’s coming. If the trucks stop delivering to Walmart, I will NEED that AR just to survive to keep what is mine. I prepared, scrimped and saved, put things back for a rainy day, and no one has a right to take them from me. NO ONE. Of course, just the AR will not save me, but it will be in with my tool kit of options and training to help save my wife, myself, and hopefully others.
I may have gotten off track here...but my point is....to be honest I have to think what my point is. If anyone tries to take away my guns, there will be hell to pay...one way or another. Have a good day.