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Thread: Got mixed feelings about this

  1. #11
    Wants you to "look at what he's holding tonight".

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    My only point here is that taking his guns does nothing to protect anyone. If he is truly that dangerous, then he needs to be isolated, and put into a place he can be controlled. Taking his guns is only a feel good measure to the community. I know if I ever want to do major damage I would not go to a gun. I am no danger to anyone that isn't trying to hurt me, or do something to me, but if someone takes my guns I will retaliate. I acknowledge that I will ultimately loose, but that is okay I will not live on my knees.
    "When injustice becomes law, resistance becomes DUTY!" - Thomas Jefferson

  2. #12
    I'll most likely shit myself

    bacpacker's Avatar
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    I stand by my previous statement. No qualms about it. Like Helo said, if the guy is that big of a danger, why is he not locked up? If he want to kill or injure someone just taking a rifle won't stop him. More likely to trigger him to go ape shit and start something.

    Illi, I won't even respond to you last 2 post, cause it'll just open more shit than needs to be.

  3. #13
    looking at their tools while posting pictures of mine.
    Domeguy's Avatar
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    about 20 minutes outside Lynchburg, TN...but which way...
    Quote Originally Posted by Illini Warrior View Post
    "They will never stop, taking something from someone that did not COMMIT a crime is wrong."

    and the telltale story behind YOU - be willing to bet there's no crimes that a guy can commit that makes him ineligible for a gun ... in fact a felon coming out of prison should be handed back the gun he used in his crime - RIGHT????

    there's people like Pelosi that's sooooo far left it never see lite and then there's people on the flipside right that are likewise in the dark ....

    if you think the forefather 2A authors were that f___ing stupid to think criminals, drunks and nutcases should be armed - you must have been the slob sleeping in history class ...
    I agree with your rights to your opinion, but for me personally, I feel you are way off base. You are putting words into people’s mouth, and taking this a bit too personal. Let’s just agree to disagree.

    Turning in a person to the authorities who is a danger to themselves or others is one thing. Having them in turn take away his guns doesn’t do anything to the situation unless the person is first delt with somehow. I can do a lot of damage without a gun. If that person is given help of some kind and put somewhere (hospital, institution, where ever) than he or she is therefore away from the guns. If that person is then deemed to be fit to re-enter society, it should be decided if that person is reunited with the guns. If they committed no crime, they should then get them back. You should not be considered guilty for having thoughts that disagree with others. But I fear this is the way those leaning to the far left are working towards. Those people like Pelosi that are preaching the dangers of assault rifles and say they don’t want any part to do with them, actually hire people to protect themselves who do carry those guns. Therefore they can benefit form these guns, but we cannot.
    "Teach the children quietly
    For someday sons and daughters
    Will rise up and fight while we stood still"

    I stayed up all night to see where the sun went. Then it dawned on me.

  4. #14
    Bacon saver

    Brownwater Riverrat 13's Avatar
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    Ok, so how do I reply to this thread? Really surprised at "Illi War's" comments, somebodie's having a bad day are we? Are you getting shot every time you re-spawn?
    Be safe.............the night is your friend.

  5. #15
    Bacon saver

    Brownwater Riverrat 13's Avatar
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    I had to run off but as for the topic at hand. I don't like anywhere that this is going. I'm still waiting to find out what is classified as "mentally ill" hell over half the "elected officials" are mentally ill.

    The bottom line is this, if they try to take away guns from Joe citizen. Joe is going to be pissed, especially if he gets advanced warning, some one will fire that first shot. That's when the people will find out WHO is on your team. I'm just speaking from an outsider's point of view. Got to be on the outside to be lookin in and then stepping back and getting the big picture.

    Big picture tells me to wait...............something's going to happen sooner or later as DG said. I'm going to continue to get our new place ready to go.

    As some of you might know we have been waiting for this property for a long time. Now we're full tilt boogie trying to get things accomplished.
    Be safe.............the night is your friend.

  6. #16
    Dont worry about shitting yourself
    Gunfixr's Avatar
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    I, too, had heard about this confiscation thing.
    While I agree that it can help to save lives, it is also sanctioned theft. No crime has been committed, it is basically stripping someone of their rights based on thoughts. This is an incredibly steep and slippery slope, and the likelihood of it being misused increases exponentially with time.
    However, people dangerous to society need to be prevented from harming society. Most states already have ways to do this. In most places, family/le can have someone involuntarily committed temporarily while an evaluation is done, at which point they are either kept or released. Just taking guns does not make anyone safe, as everything is a weapon if you want to hurt people.
    To be honest, since there are already ways of getting people help who need it, this emergency gun confiscation law is redundant. It was likely done just for the purpose of disarming people they want disarmed. For now, it will be used as advertised. Later, well............

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