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Thread: Got mixed feelings about this

  1. #1
    looking at their tools while posting pictures of mine.
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    Got mixed feelings about this

    I’ve got mixed feelings about this...In whole, probably a good idea in the right hands, a nightmare and a means to the end in the wrong hands...

    Copied from Fox News
    —————————————————————————————————————————————————— ———————
    SEATTLE - Alexander Mckenzie, a 31-year-old Army veteran who, according to court documents, is being treated for post-traumatic stress disorder, recently had his gun confiscated by the Seattle Police Department even though he had committed no crime.

    It’s one of 27 guns seized legally by the Seattle Police Department from 16 individuals since last July under Washington State’s new Extreme Risk Protection Order law.

    McKenzie had been acting strange, glaring at customers of a pizza restaurant while carrying his handgun. He now agrees with the firearm seizure.

    “I’m grateful that the police got the gun away from me,” McKenzie told Fox News.

    Washington is one of six states with high risk or red flag laws. But in the wake of the Parkland school shooting, the Brady Campaign says at least 30 states are considering them.

    “I think we’re seeing a building consensus in blue states and red states that this is a good way to balance public safety against people’s Second Amendment rights,” said Jaron Lindbaum of Washington Ceasefire.

    Guns are removed for one year, but there is due process. Only family, roommates and police can petition the court for the civil order. The burden of proof is on the petitioner. A judge determines if the person is a danger to himself or others. If the order is issued, the guns can be seized immediately, but the gun owner gets to make his or her case in court within two weeks.

    Even gun rights advocates, who are afraid of government abuse, say it appears to be working.

    “We’ve seen the downside of people who are distraught or crazy taking out their problems on the general public,” said Dave Workman of the Bellevue, Wash.-based Second Amendment Foundation. “We don’t want that to happen here.”

    One petition to seize guns was turned down by a King County, Wash., judge. All others have been granted, including the taking of an AR-15 rifle. According to the pastors of the Cross and Crown Church in Seattle, a former member threatened to kill them and wished the recent church massacre in Sutherland Springs, Texas had happened there.

    Law enforcement is convinced the law is saving lives.

    “I have no doubt,” said King County Prosecuting Attorney Dan Satterberg, “it is the kind of tool we can use to prevent greater tragedies.”
    "Teach the children quietly
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    I stayed up all night to see where the sun went. Then it dawned on me.

  2. #2
    I'll most likely shit myself

    bacpacker's Avatar
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    My feelings aren't mixed at all about this. Damn libs are gonna keep putting shit up just to see what sticks. Something like this could well be what removes the 2nd amendment down the road.

  3. #3
    Wants you to "look at what he's holding tonight".

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    My feelings aren't mixed at all. This is America, we are supposed to be innocent until proven guilty. This is total BS and pisses me off to no end.
    "When injustice becomes law, resistance becomes DUTY!" - Thomas Jefferson

  4. #4
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    just got done posting on this very same subject elsewhere ....

    no mixed feeling what-so-ever - the system worked exactly the way it should ... take the time to research what this fruitcake was exhibiting for activities - he would have been lassoed & hog tied all over the country - the WA red flag had little bearing on the case ...

    they strapped him down and got him back on his meds - he's back from Planet Obzo and his visit with the ETs - he now recognizes how out of control he was and what could have happened ....

    if you think this is a text book case of system abuse - YOU are exactly why the leftist are winning and will win out entirely ...

    if you can't realize the reality of something like this - how the hell is someone like the Vegas shooter ever be weeded out ....

  5. #5
    Wants you to "look at what he's holding tonight".

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    Quote Originally Posted by Illini Warrior View Post
    just got done posting on this very same subject elsewhere ....

    no mixed feeling what-so-ever - the system worked exactly the way it should ... take the time to research what this fruitcake was exhibiting for activities - he would have been lassoed & hog tied all over the country - the WA red flag had little bearing on the case ...

    they strapped him down and got him back on his meds - he's back from Planet Obzo and his visit with the ETs - he now recognizes how out of control he was and what could have happened ....

    if you think this is a text book case of system abuse - YOU are exactly why the leftist are winning and will win out entirely ...

    if you can't realize the reality of something like this - how the hell is someone like the Vegas shooter ever be weeded out ....
    BS, I believe your beliefs are the reason the leftist are winning. They will never stop, taking something from someone that did not COMMIT a crime is wrong. This is an extremely slippery slope. No way do I support this, Those that give up freedom for perceived safety deserve neither.
    "When injustice becomes law, resistance becomes DUTY!" - Thomas Jefferson

  6. #6
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    Quote Originally Posted by helomech View Post
    BS, I believe your beliefs are the reason the leftist are winning. They will never stop, taking something from someone that did not COMMIT a crime is wrong. This is an extremely slippery slope. No way do I support this, Those that give up freedom for perceived safety deserve neither.

    "They will never stop, taking something from someone that did not COMMIT a crime is wrong."

    and the telltale story behind YOU - be willing to bet there's no crimes that a guy can commit that makes him ineligible for a gun ... in fact a felon coming out of prison should be handed back the gun he used in his crime - RIGHT????

    there's people like Pelosi that's sooooo far left it never see lite and then there's people on the flipside right that are likewise in the dark ....

    if you think the forefather 2A authors were that f___ing stupid to think criminals, drunks and nutcases should be armed - you must have been the slob sleeping in history class ...

  7. #7
    Wants you to "look at what he's holding tonight".

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    Quote Originally Posted by Illini Warrior View Post
    "They will never stop, taking something from someone that did not COMMIT a crime is wrong."

    and the telltale story behind YOU - be willing to bet there's no crimes that a guy can commit that makes him ineligible for a gun ... in fact a felon coming out of prison should be handed back the gun he used in his crime - RIGHT????

    there's people like Pelosi that's sooooo far left it never see lite and then there's people on the flipside right that are likewise in the dark ....

    if you think the forefather 2A authors were that f___ing stupid to think criminals, drunks and nutcases should be armed - you must have been the slob sleeping in history class ...
    First why are you being a ass?

    If someone is to dangerous to get a legal gun, than why in the hell are we letting them out of prison? I don't believe violent people should ever walk free, so that question is stupid. I sure don't believe some guy with a felony because he had a bag of weed should loose his gun rights ever. You seem to act like you think any law is going to stop someone from doing something that is dumb. Laws that forbid the carrying of arms ... disarm only those who are neither inclined nor determined to commit crimes. If you think that statement is wrong you are delusional.

    - - - Updated - - -

    Explain to me how taking his guns protects anyone? Does it remove his ability to harm others? No it doesn't, it is state sponsored theft of his property. If he truly is violent, than he needs to be removed from society anything else is just eyewash and does nothing.
    "When injustice becomes law, resistance becomes DUTY!" - Thomas Jefferson

  8. #8
    CC Gray Panther
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    if you think the forefather 2A authors were that f___ing stupid to think criminals, drunks and nutcases should be armed - you must have been the slob sleeping in history class ..

    This part of your post at the end calling another Ant a slob is uncalled for in my opinion. Now granted this might be a hot button issue but we're supposed to be better than that. I may not agree with some things but that's okay . Everyone has an opinion called freedom of speech. You may not like it ; but shouldn't we be able to debate in a more respectful manner ?

    Talk like this just opens a rift and now more than ever we need not any of this kind of problem.

    Just my 2 cents


  9. #9
    looking at their tools while posting pictures of mine.
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    I should restate my feelings on this. I said “probably a good idea in the right hands”, but who is to say who is the right hands. I know of several judges in my area that are complete idiots who I would not trust for one second. I know some politicians, police officers, others in higher ranking positions who can’t be trusted. This law states only family, roommates, or police can petition the court. How many here can say that an ex-spouse can be an “ honest” witness here. A roommate? If I kick out a roommate for any reason, this sounds like the perfect way to retaliate.
    If I happen to have a “rough patch” in my life, feel a bit down, and go to see my family doctor who then gives me an antidepressant, does this then give the police a reason to say I am unstable an take away my guns?
    But I also see as in this case stated in the original article, if a person is “way over the edge”, some one must step in somewhere and do something. But who, what, when, where, and why...I’m not so sure how to answer that. I had a brother in law who took a lot of drugs. The had a fender bender and had a head injury. I’m not sure which put him over the edge, but he then went ape shit crazy. He wanted to shoot any police officer he saw. Wanted to kill lots of things, he even put his daughters kitten in a can with a lid on it so it wouldn’t run away from him. He forgot about it and it then died. He was just nuts. What did I do...nothing. Luckily he didn’t hurt any people, but if he had, I never would have been able to forgive myself.
    This is a slippery slope here people, and a damn steep one at that. I don’t know the answer. But there are people right now in DC trying their damn best to find a way to protect me from myself. That an American citizen cannot be trusted with a gun.
    When I was in my late teens, I thought people with assault rifles were the crazies. That all “survivalists” as they were called back then were idiots. Nothing is ever going happen where you will need an AR or high caliber weapon. That maybe only the police should need a pistol. But with a few more decades under my belt, I now see how wrong I was. I don’t currently own a AK or an AR, but only because I can’t shoot in a straight line around my home more than 50 yds without hitting a tree.
    "Teach the children quietly
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  10. #10
    looking at their tools while posting pictures of mine.
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    But I am rethinking that now. The average person will most likely never need an AR in every day life. As long as we show up to work, do the 9-5 thing, go home and kiss little Johnnie on the forehead when we tuck him in, everything will be OK. But then think of what happened during the aftermath of hurricane Katrina. The city went crazy. There were roving gangs of highly armed thugs willing to do anything just to get a new tv, or to raid the liquor store. I fully believe in the fact that one day soon, a disaster of SOME KIND of a Biblical proportion will hit the US. From whom or where, that’s up to speculation, but I feel it’s coming. If the trucks stop delivering to Walmart, I will NEED that AR just to survive to keep what is mine. I prepared, scrimped and saved, put things back for a rainy day, and no one has a right to take them from me. NO ONE. Of course, just the AR will not save me, but it will be in with my tool kit of options and training to help save my wife, myself, and hopefully others.
    I may have gotten off track here...but my point be honest I have to think what my point is. If anyone tries to take away my guns, there will be hell to way or another. Have a good day.
    "Teach the children quietly
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    Will rise up and fight while we stood still"

    I stayed up all night to see where the sun went. Then it dawned on me.



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