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Thread: City life has gotta suck...right?

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  1. #1
    looking at their tools while posting pictures of mine.
    Domeguy's Avatar
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    about 20 minutes outside Lynchburg, TN...but which way...

    City life has gotta suck...right?

    I’m just curious about those of you that for one reason or another have chosen, or have no other choice but to live in or near a large city. What kind of a plan do you have to get out in the case of small, medium, large, of TOTAL FUBAR SHTF. I have lived in large city’s in my life, Sacramento, London, Chattanooga, but all as a kid to early 20’s. As a kid, London was great. Field trips to museums, parks, Stonehenge, etc. But now as an old fat man, you couldn’t pay me enough to live in a large city. I like the quiet country life. Right now, the frogs are croaking outside, and I see wildlife all day, and the stars at night. There are deer that walk in the yard, wild turkeys, raccoons, possums, and the list goes on. I can shoot off any gun that I want to, as often as I want to, any time I want to. I sometimes mow my grass naked, just because I can (Sorry you had to know that). There is only 1 traffic light in the entire county. On the other hand, yes, it is a 20 minute drive if I want to get a gallon of milk. But to me, it’s well worth the inconvenience. Now, please, don’t get me wrong, I’m not criticizing anyone, or judging your reasons...I’m just curious why you are not my neighbor...not you BWRR, you are my neighbor...I mean the others.
    "Teach the children quietly
    For someday sons and daughters
    Will rise up and fight while we stood still"

    I stayed up all night to see where the sun went. Then it dawned on me.

  2. #2
    CC Gray Panther
    eagle326's Avatar
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    Well to be honest ; It's all about wife's health. As it stands her best medical is with those who know her medical history. Trust me Domey if we could relocate I'd be your yuck yuck neighbor. And I'd even bring my pet Grizzles .

  3. #3
    Dont worry about shitting yourself
    Gunfixr's Avatar
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    Virginia, USA
    Born into the city, so never knew any different.
    Plan kind of depended. If we could get put early, we might go, but never had a destination. If not early, you won't get out, hunker down until the worst beginning part subsides.
    Been wanting to relocate to the country for at least 2 decades, just could not make it happen.
    But, it is now. The moving process is beginning, after more than a year of renovation. Once moved, the current place fixed up and sold, and the shop set up so I can bring in some money, homesteading will get going.
    Two closest towns are 10-15 min away, each has only 1 stoplight. I can sit out there for hours, and most of the time, count every car that goes down the road in that time on one hand. There are people across the road, though, can't mow naked. I'd be burnt up anyways, 6hrs in the sun.

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    Liberty is not a cruise ship full of pampered passengers.
    Liberty is a Man-Of-War, and we are all crew.

  4. #4
    I'll most likely shit myself

    bacpacker's Avatar
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    I grew up in the country, well so I thought. We were 20 minutes or so East of Knoxville. Most growth was to the north and west back Now I live a little further out and away from cities that size. Although still much closer than I want to be. But we have deer, turkey, possum, coon, etc. They all help themselves to our garden and chickens. Got some good neighbors but have at least 200 yards to the nearest one. It's not a exactly what I want, or where I want to be. but for the next 10 years or so, until I can retire. It's out of the city, in reasonable distance to work. I've been here 24 years and have plenty of improvements made, fruit trees, berries, grapes, etc. I'll do the best I can here with my neighbors most of whom I know are awake to what's going on in our country and the world.
    But Domey, I agree completely with your thoughts. If you can get out, do so now.
    Eagle, You know you are welcome down here at the drop of a hat. Just say the word! I do fully understand the medical side of things though. Hard to give up care that you know the quality of.

  5. #5
    Bacon saver

    Brownwater Riverrat 13's Avatar
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    You know, when I think about my life and where I've lived. Half of it's a blur, but I was raised as a hunter and fisher in FL and blessed with my parents common sense. Living in the "cities" that the Navy has stationed me. I liked TX the best, small town, small base, great people. Before I retied back in FL (my last duty station) I lived 45 minutes out of town. 10acres, but shit happens (divorce) and I moved to TN, it has it all, I've been in this area many times before. TN has all the resources as mentioned above. Nothing wrong with a 10 minute drive through the country to get my milk.

    I can't stand driving to any city, I hate the traffic......or maybe it's just the other drivers, eh, whatever.
    Be safe.............the night is your friend.

  6. #6
    Dont worry about shitting yourself
    Gunfixr's Avatar
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    Yeah, every time I go out to the country place, I dread coming back. So does the wife. There's a river runs along the side of the city. We come off the bridge, are suddenly surrounded by traffic, moronic drivers, and, it's like, welcome back to hampton, land of fucktards.

    Can't wait to be gone from here.

    Sent from my SGP612 using Tapatalk
    Liberty is not a cruise ship full of pampered passengers.
    Liberty is a Man-Of-War, and we are all crew.

  7. #7
    Do NOT mess with him while he's pumping gas.

    ak474u's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Domeguy View Post
    I’m just curious about those of you that for one reason or another have chosen, or have no other choice but to live in or near a large city. What kind of a plan do you have to get out in the case of small, medium, large, of TOTAL FUBAR SHTF. I have lived in large city’s in my life, Sacramento, London, Chattanooga, but all as a kid to early 20’s. As a kid, London was great. Field trips to museums, parks, Stonehenge, etc. But now as an old fat man, you couldn’t pay me enough to live in a large city. I like the quiet country life. Right now, the frogs are croaking outside, and I see wildlife all day, and the stars at night. There are deer that walk in the yard, wild turkeys, raccoons, possums, and the list goes on. I can shoot off any gun that I want to, as often as I want to, any time I want to. I sometimes mow my grass naked, just because I can (Sorry you had to know that). There is only 1 traffic light in the entire county. On the other hand, yes, it is a 20 minute drive if I want to get a gallon of milk. But to me, it’s well worth the inconvenience. Now, please, don’t get me wrong, I’m not criticizing anyone, or judging your reasons...I’m just curious why you are not my neighbor...not you BWRR, you are my neighbor...I mean the others.

    If everybody was your neighbor, YOU would live in the city. Lol

    I wish I was further out, I'd like to have more property. Wife's job is already 45 minutes away and it's only 17 miles. We live in a suburb about 45 minutes north out of downtown Dallas. It's nice here, but... in the next 20 years, the forecast for our county's population is to grow by three MILLION more people to 3.8M. Needless to say, we are gonna be long gone before that, but we're good where we are for now until job situations change. We're gonna have to figure out where exactly the "city" is expanding to before we find a spot further out, because we've been watching the little towns around us turn into cities for the last few years.
    Common sense is so rare these days, it should be re-classified as a super power.

  8. #8
    Do you have a robot?
    realist's Avatar
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    Ambience is why. My son lives at the beach in San Diego. He can walk to bars (noticed I put those first), grocery store (3) and restaurants (12+). When he comes home he has a hard time sleeping, too quiet. Work is there and you don't find his type of work in the country.

    Now me I moved from the SF Bay Area, on a ranch, to San Diego for school. I fell in love with with the mountains of the east County and my son has too. I moved north for work and love our location, it is in the country on 2 1/2 acres. However my small town is no longer. We have had five home invasions with several people being shot all from people from the east coast. It is the marijuana that brings them. No I don't grow but either did some of the people's homes who were mistaken for growers.

    So we are looking at possibly moving. When you are old you need facilities within a reasonable distance. I currently live in a place with no air conditioning, that gets maybe two days of 100 degrees a year, we get a nice sea breeze every afternoon. We have great soil, ample rain. I can ski in four hour, be at the ocean in one hour or go to the big city in an hour. Plus all our friends are here. Soooo it's a hard decision to move. I have a place up north with 100 plus acres but the wife says it's to remote, I building my big boy man cave this year.

    But as Gunfixr says he has been wanting to move for two decades. Hopefully my move will be sooner, just got to find the right place.
    If it is predictable then it is preventable....... Gordon Graham

    So if it is predictable and preventable then you better prepare.

  9. #9
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    Don't think I could live in southern California. Not sure about Northern California but there is some kind of highway which runs the coast up to Washington State. That road looks a picture post card.

    But Southern California...I've been there. You need NASCAR track training/driver training to handle the interstates and all the loon drivers out there. It is quite something to behold.

    Now my friend moved from this area in Smithfield, Virginia to East of Johnson City, Tennessee. I spoke to him for about 45 minutes last night on my ham radio. He is an olde country boy from way back...and decided on Tennessee once he found the right property. It is way off the beaten path...but towns are not all that far away. is road conditions which govern how and when he will make his trips to town....particularly snow and or ice coming down off the mountain. I mean to tell you ...he is back in there. I can see his place from the satellite but it is a long winding road up the mountain and then a winding road to his place back in there from the main road to his home.

    This is a place where you take your shopping just don't go down the mountain for cigarettes or milk...but take your whole list.

    But I am happy for him....and always glad to hook up via ham radio. We estimate the air distance at about 400 miles.
    Both of us have built our own wire antennas (olde School) and hung them up high into the trees.

    Yes..finding the right place would be very important. Tennessee folks don't cotton to herding or being herded out in the country.
    They tend to be a bit more independent than city folk. Also Tennessee is a big 2A state.
    And my friend is definitely not an Ishmaelite.

    I am glad for my friend that it worked out for him and his woman.

    I joke with him about riding his lawn mower au natural...and or yielding to Natures call from his porch if he so desired and not worry about his neighbors...he is that far in there.

    Added in Edit function,

    Just came in from my garage wherein I reloaded about 134 rounds of .38 special loaded to about 850 fps with 158 grain cast copper plated semi wad cutters. I'd shot them up about a month ago in my Ruger GP 100 and had forgotten them in the bottom of a 5 gallon shooting bucket.

    I use this load a lot for practice.

    Will be doing the same with about 40 rounds of 45ACP in the next few days and using 230 grain round nose bullets.


    Not an Ishmaelite
    Last edited by orangetom1999; 06-04-2018 at 05:01 PM.

  10. #10
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    I have never lived anywhere but the suburbs of So. California. I have spent most of a summer in a small Virgina town many years ago and found it great. We have a small vacation place in the mountains about 2 hours from our home.

    I agree the traffic problems continue to get worse, particularly the last 2 years since the great state legislature of California decided to grant driver's licenses to illeagal aliens, adding a few million drivers to the roads. Crime is always a problem. Some stats will tell you violent crime is down but that is misleading since state Proposition 47 (titled "Safe Streets") reclassified many violent felonies as non-violient or as misdemanors. Things like a drive-by shooting if nobody is hit, rape of an unconcious person are not longer violent felonies. I know, you can't believe it either. Taxes continue to rise, the latest was a 12 cent a gallon increase in state gas taxes.

    Were my wife and I younger, like my son, we would get the hell out. However I am not really interested in starting over building a network of friends.

    All the problems aside, the weather here is wonderful, I have access to some of the finest live entertainment anywhere, no matter what you want to see or hear. I could be skiing in the morning and sitting on the beach in the afternoon, both within 45 miles of my home. Is the suburban life nirvana? No, I do not think anyplace on earth will give that. However it really is all I know.



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