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Thread: Watching closely the track of Hurricane Florence.

  1. #1
    Senior Member
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    chesapeake bay, virginia

    Watching closely the track of Hurricane Florence.

    Watching the National Hurricane Center for the track of Hurricane Florence as it heads foe the East Coast of the USA.

    Have concerns but understand it is yet a good ways out at sea...

    Making preparations here since yesterday.

    Have completed charging up my 2 meter/440 MHZ walkie talkies and spare batteries for the same.

    Gasoline stores are taken care of and my emergency antennas are pre positioned.

    One of the last things to be done is to get my large bottled water stores and containers from in the garage and cleaned ..and in the house. All the washers cleaned, tubs too...and filled with water. This will be later in the week as it approaches or tracks elsewhere.

    Yard furniture needs to be tied down...trash dumpsters taken into the garage etc etc.

    These are some basics we learned as teens in Japan during typhoons over there.

    Generators will be also run and checked out tomorrow.

    We started getting rain yesterday ahead of events and expect rain off and on this week.

    Standing by here and continuing preps.


    Not an Ishmaelite

  2. #2
    Walking on Sunshine

    Join Date
    Feb 2012
    Mid Michigan
    Stay safe orange, talked to sis in Newport news. She is getting ready to hunker down as well. Haven't talked to other sis in Hampton yet, will try her tomorrow. My worry is DIL in GA, one of the possible tracks tonight on our news makes it look like it might hit GA.

  3. #3
    Senior Member
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    chesapeake bay, virginia

    I have most of my going about town preps done. Been mostly resting here. Been raining off and on but clear right now.

    Keeping an eye on things via the National Hurricane Center site.


  4. #4
    Dont worry about shitting yourself
    Gunfixr's Avatar
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    Virginia, USA
    Having just moved from Hampton to across the water, we are still right here in it.
    Now, with a well, power out is immediate water out. Will fill water containers this week, plus tub.
    Food, cooking, lighting are always ready.
    One of the 4wd vehicles is and has been down, but no time, so it is what it is.

    First hurricane in new place.

    Sent from my SGP612 using Tapatalk
    Liberty is not a cruise ship full of pampered passengers.
    Liberty is a Man-Of-War, and we are all crew.

  5. #5
    Senior Member
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    To my surprise this storm is tracking more south than I had expected.

    My expectation was that she would come in to the East Coast and begin fading in her track in a northern curve...not going somewhat south as she is doing now...albeit a slow south curve.

    However....standing by here and changing nothing....she is still a ways out to sea and I could well have spoken too soon.


    Not an Ishmaelite


    This was posted originailly at 3:31am....and I was up standing the night watch.

    It is now almost 11 am Wednesday....and after some sleep I am again standing the watch and debating going into work tonight.

    Going to retrieve one of my vehicles from my mothers place across town where it is higher ground.

    I think we are going to get mostly rain and some wind...but not hurricane strength.....Thank goodness.
    Last edited by orangetom1999; 09-12-2018 at 02:48 PM.

  6. #6
    Bacon saver

    Brownwater Riverrat 13's Avatar
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    At least some people have a clue, Hoo-Yah Ants! take a look here for current position
    Be safe.............the night is your friend.

  7. #7
    Dont worry about shitting yourself
    Gunfixr's Avatar
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    Virginia, USA
    It's turned kinda south, which is weird, but, i'll take it, since that means it'll be further away. Haven't looked since just after 1400hrs, but at that time we were only under tropical storm warning, instead of Hurricane. It's gone down some, also.

    Sent from my SGP612 using Tapatalk
    Liberty is not a cruise ship full of pampered passengers.
    Liberty is a Man-Of-War, and we are all crew.

  8. #8
    Senior Member
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    chesapeake bay, virginia
    10:13 Pm on Thursday. Not raining here in Hampton, Virginia and the gusting of the winds has died down somewhat.

    Again here it is still early to me..and I am standing by and watching the weather channel as well as the National Hurricane Center link.

    Have on a pot of coffee and having some chocolate cake....standing by once again.


    Not an Ishmaelite.

  9. #9
    Senior Member

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    near Pasadena, Ca.
    Prayers for all the folks along the southeast coast. I hope you are ready to be on your own for at least a week.

  10. #10
    Walking on Sunshine

    Join Date
    Feb 2012
    Mid Michigan
    Orange , what zone are you in? Sis in Hampton is zone D and said today that they are expecting rain and wind gusts soon but no evac order yet. She said they are ready as well. Sis in Newport is not in a evacuation zone so far, according to the state's map of evacuation zones. She,son and grandson are ok , she said Her daughter and other sis's son are there as well. It will be corralling the puppies (2-65 lb labs puppies) and keeping them calm that worries her. Stay safe friend. Looks like the Bahamas are getting ready for another hurricane , Cousin lives there , prayers for them as well as for all you.



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