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Thread: Southern Invasion

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  1. #1
    CC Gray Panther
    eagle326's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by bacpacker View Post
    From what I've ran across the last day or so, the link I shared was faulty. The 82nd apparently has not been sent to Texas. at least not at this point.
    Sorry for the faulty info.
    No deployment yet son. GOD I wish I was still in.

  2. #2
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    Quote Originally Posted by bacpacker View Post
    From what I've ran across the last day or so, the link I shared was faulty. The 82nd apparently has not been sent to Texas. at least not at this point.
    Sorry for the faulty info.

    at this point 800 troops from logistics are at the border setting up tenting & support ...

    supposedly 1,000 military MPs on 3 different bases have been activated for deployment to the border ....

    all kinds of reinforcement is being done in that border area that is the proposed "breaching area " - haven't heard if that is civilian contractors or if the Army Corp of Engineers are involved ....

  3. #3
    Bacon saver

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    Just go through reading this and out the door again. more to follow, out!
    Be safe.............the night is your friend.

  4. #4
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    Saw on one of the posts page 1 of this thread...San Angelo, Texas. There is a not so used Air Force Base in San Angelo. Goodfellows AFB. I believe it is a sort of depot repair place..and reserve base.

    My parents would often stay there with their Recreational Vehicle in the base park. They stayed there for over a year while I took care of their home here and forwarded their mail to their San Angelo address.

    This base is just "Not Used" by major troops but sufficient for the purposes intended. Particularly as a forward drone base of operations. A staging location.

    My instincts tell me satellite and drone technology is being used to monitor what is going on with this caravan as it is reaching proportions of a National Security Event.

    Someone out here knows much more than they are want to let the public know.
    Probably for good reason.

    As to the media ...they are planning to have a field day with this event. I don't trust them with anything. I've known this about the media for over 30 years now....that they were jerking America and Americans off...Herding them...via tabloid news.
    Shortwave listening taught me this about our media ....long before I got my Ham License.

    Way back then some of us began calling CNN......Chicken Noodle News.
    This has long ago been confirmed about CNN by CNN themselves.
    And the other networks today are in the same boat.

    I am also of late become skeptical of The Drudge Report....they have changed their tenor and it is become noticeable.

    Even our leadership today has themselves become tabloid in like manner to the media....and also Hollywood...they are all three in bed together working against the American People to properly "Herd" us.

    I'll not speak for the other members here...but the work I have done over the years does not lend itself to becoming and or functioning as a Drama Queen. I have no use for that kind of thinking or conduct.

    I get insulted when I detect someone trying to grab and corral me by my emotions. I've had way to often to discipline my emotions to get my work done or hurt myself or those around me. I do not change my thinking because I come home or turn on the television.
    Watching and listening to the news has become like reading the Tabloids going through the check out stands and our leadership is becoming a Xerox copy of this nonsense for easy votes.

    This is what is planned for this country in the future....bringing these people in for easy votes on the public which we will be made to pay for our own demise.

    We will be required to take second third and fourth place in our own country...exactly what is happening in Europe and England.

    Do not be surprised if the Left ..if they gain power...try to pass legislation to force people to open their doors to house these Illegals....

    Contrary to Amendment 3..

    This will be the end of Private Property....exactly what is happening in Europe.

    Ishmaelte = Bondage...involuntary more ways than one...for someone's votes and power.

    My non Ishmaelite .02,


  5. #5
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    229 mind running along rabid trails on this.

    I am thinking along the lines that forward deployed bases are being set temporarily house troops to aid in the border security.

    Am thinking that troops are going to be temporarily assigned to these stateside forward deployments along the border.

    That this is going to be a regular deployment for certain groups.

    In like manner to when I was assigned to Langley AFB, in Hampton, Virginia for the Air Force. It was a regular deployment albeit temporary duty of some 60 RAF Mildenhall, England. Different bases from around the USA were deployed with their C130 aircraft and rotated on a schedule to RAF Mildenhall, England to support ongoing NATO operations.

    There was also a group from Pope AFB in Fayetteville, North Carolina...who rotated for 60 days..another from Little Rock AFB, in Jacksonville, Arkansas....and I don't recall the other groups..but it was a regular rotation.

    Thinking the same will apply here. And if this becomes regular on going duty ..more permanent housing and or such will be located or built. You can bet that someone has already been assigned or researching, if needed, more permanent accommodations.

    But overall...thinking that groups will be rotated for duty at the border....approximately some 60 day tours or so...whatever they decide on as a schedule.

    Now if the Democrats..the left big in the mid term elections they will try to throw stones or sticks in the wheels/spokes of this deployment. Anything to free up the votes they need to keep and maintain power and control even if it means at the expense of the American, censoring, labeling, or ignoring the American people.

    We are living in interesting times. More and more two legged wildlife trying to take over and using/misusing the political system to politically/socially "Herd" Americans.


    Not an Ishmaelite

  6. #6
    may be in trouble

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    Dammit dammit DAMN IT!

    I have served. I do not want to see one fellow soldier, airman, sailor, marine, or coastguardsman in harms way for one second longer than is absolutely needful to get the mission done, and wish as few casualties as possible.

    The big new worry I have is if these folks have to deploy in California... there, they WILL be fighting a TWO FRONT ENGAGEMENT. I am cursed with enough imagination to contemplate Antifa and other fifth column snowflakes interfering with troop supplies, harassing and just plain mixing it up with these troops.

    After the first punch, the first thrown rock... I fear it will be... MUST be... No longer American versus American, but rather American versus Californian, the latter no longer a member of our republic.

  7. #7
    For the Love of Cats

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    It will be interesting for sure... My concern is that America keeps focusing on the trash coming in... and not what's been in for however long and moving out... You're focused on this 'invasion' but how many are slipping in while your attention is drawn elsewhere.

    Why, do you keep letting illegals leave (To Canada) unmolested? They have infiltrated and abused your country for how long... now you're just saying.. "go... go away" we won't bother you. How many of these 'invaders' are just looking for passage through america to Canada? Are you going to continue to wipe your hands and pass this vermin along like the 10's of thousands before them?

    Fuck that! if you're going to close your borders to invaders... close them to the fleers too! They are your vermin. Deal with them!!!
    Give a man fire, and he'll be warm for a day!
    Light a man on fire, and he'll be warm for the rest of his life!

    Cat's are food... not friends!

    If you're going to fight, then fight like you're the third monkey on the ramp into Noah's arc... and brother, it's starting to rain.

  8. #8
    Wants you to "look at what he's holding tonight".

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    Quote Originally Posted by Sniper-T View Post
    It will be interesting for sure... My concern is that America keeps focusing on the trash coming in... and not what's been in for however long and moving out... You're focused on this 'invasion' but how many are slipping in while your attention is drawn elsewhere.

    Why, do you keep letting illegals leave (To Canada) unmolested? They have infiltrated and abused your country for how long... now you're just saying.. "go... go away" we won't bother you. How many of these 'invaders' are just looking for passage through america to Canada? Are you going to continue to wipe your hands and pass this vermin along like the 10's of thousands before them?

    Fuck that! if you're going to close your borders to invaders... close them to the fleers too! They are your vermin. Deal with them!!!
    If I was allowed to deal with them, our problem would end.
    "When injustice becomes law, resistance becomes DUTY!" - Thomas Jefferson

  9. #9
    may be in trouble

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    Quote Originally Posted by helomech View Post
    If I was allowed to deal with them, our problem would end.
    Shoving them into containers, the containers into container ships, and marooning them on bits of micronesia.

    Or piss off mexico and cuba by randomly taking mothballed troopships loading em full of folks, and doing a reverse Marieltos at random points on their coasts.

    But essentially helo is right.

  10. #10
    Wants you to "look at what he's holding tonight".

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    Trump could easily shut off all commercial vehicles from crossing the border, and cut all aid and treaties with Mexico if they didn't stop all this illegal immigration. Then if that don't work, carpet bomb the freaking border.
    "When injustice becomes law, resistance becomes DUTY!" - Thomas Jefferson



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