Quote Originally Posted by Domeguy
I don’t know where this country is headed...but our future can’t be good.

I am needing help with the building, and I have hired 3 different people at 3 different times to help me work.

All 3 have agreed to show up, and none of the 3 have even bother to show, haven’t bothered to notify me they are not showing up, nothing. One even blocked me from messenger so I couldn’t even ask if she was coming or not. I have just contacted forth person who has just had a baby who says her boyfriend is desperate for any work, but I can’t contact him for 3 more hrs yet.

No one wants to work anymore.

This is why Bernie Sanders was so popular with his Socialist agenda...let Big Brother do everything for you so you can sit home doing nothing...you can have everything free...except for your freedom.

I’m just pissed off with the world today!
Well, at least with these three you're well right to be PO'ed.

Are their communications and their manners that poor?

If that boy was so desperate, IMO he'd not have his(?) baby's mother(?) speaking on his behalf for work, damn well he'd be out there himself, and three hours would bloody well better be time getting whatever tools and transit. If he shows up drunk or stoned, have Mr. Mossberg escort him off the property if he won't take a clue.

I'm not an electrician, plumber or a skilled trade. Looking back, wish I was. I CAN however, drive a nail without hitting my thumb too often, got 'lefty loosy, righty tighty' down pat... The one leg is not great, but I can still lift upper body stuff.

104 more days... (sigh)