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Thread: Getting people's attention?

  1. #1
    Senior Member

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    Getting people's attention?

    From what I have read on our local bulletin board NEXT DOOR, the recent Hurricanes Harvey, Irma and now Maria as well as the earthquake in Mexico are beginning to get the attention of people. I was quite surprised at the large number of people that have nothing ready for SHTF. I have also been surprised at the number of responses from people in the area who at least know of the things to have.

    Was there a point in time that you realized that you needed to be prepped?

    I know for me back in the late 1950's my parents kept a supply of things on hand in case the USSR hit us with nuclear bombs. Yeah, right. We lived too close to high value targets. We might need to have been prepped for about 1/4 second. That mindset however was a seed in my mind. When the parents bought a place in the mountains one of the first things that was done was to stock it with canned and dry goods to last us two weeks if we were snowed in. In 2001 my wife and I bought our own place in Big Bear as a weekend/vacation place.

    I can say that we were not prepped worth a darn until 2010. Yes, we had some stored food up there but not enough. In January of that year there were the "storms of the century" in the local mounatins. I was a regular on the local bulletin board forum up there and was getting first hand real time info from the full-time locals.

    Snow, and more importantly thte ice on the roads, kept trucks from supplying the two major markets with food. Bottom line, people were starting to get HUNGRY. The smaller markets like 7-11, Circle-K, liquor stores were reporting shelves that were empty.

    Yep, January & February 2010, was the time I got us on the road to being prepped. I started with the basic 3 days food and water as well as asic medical and other emergency supplies, quickly expanding to 10 days. Then over a period of time I took "baby steps" always adding to the ant nest. Sometimes we may add just an extra few cans of food.

  2. #2
    Bacon saver

    Brownwater Riverrat 13's Avatar
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    To add to that, my "step" Grandma up in La Grande, Or has done that all her life. The passes get closed every year and they are used to being snowed in. Grandpa (God how I loved that Man)before he passed was called "Moose" not just because he was as "big as" but that's because of what he did. Moos'n and goos'n, oh and fish'n he stocked up every year and he came from Montana. That's a way of life up there. so it's no big deal them, that's what you do.
    Be safe.............the night is your friend.

  3. #3
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    Yep, in many areas of the country that is what you do, it is just a way of life. The problem is that for a couple of generations now we have large numbers of people (I would be counted among those) who have grown up in urban and suburban areas where you can go out and get what you need 24/7.

    Even a generation ago, most of the stores and shops around the So. California area were closed on Sundays. I do remember that my mother always double checked the pantry on Friday evening or Saturday morning to be sure we had what was needed on Monday morning.

  4. #4
    I have still yet to grow a brain
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    My mother and father always made it a point to be prepared. Not in the prepped way but rather in the way of prepared for regular normal issues food, cloths, money...
    I think this was due to the fact that they grew up through WWII. On both sides of the pond. So combine the two habits and voila!

    As for me I had no real start point been living it my whole life.
    The tallest oak in the forest was once just a nut who held its ground.

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  5. #5
    Walking on Sunshine

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    I think most of us had parents that grew up during the Depression and tried to keep prepared "in case it happened again". At least that was my mom's mind set. When Pop lost his job, we didn't have much but we always had food on the table , a roof over our heads and new shoes every year for school. Because she, her sister and her mother canned every year and an uncle gave us milk from his cows, we didn't have to go to the store as often as our neighbors did. That and Pops pay from the Air Force Reserves, (he was with the 305th Air Rescue) my brothers and sisters didn't know how poor we really were. As the oldest I used to hear mom and dad talking at night so I knew things were bad. So I've always had extra on hand as well. Just "ramped" it up over the last few years because of what's been happening .

  6. #6
    Bacon saver

    Brownwater Riverrat 13's Avatar
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    I guess my only real problem would be not being able to have my milk, ice cream and beer.............
    Be safe.............the night is your friend.

  7. #7
    I'll most likely shit myself

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    I grew up around my grandparents that lived thru the depression and WWII. They never had much, but they grew their own food, cattle, pig, chickens. They may not have had much, but they had food. Never trusted banks or politicians. To some degree I have always had that mindset to. Haven't always practiced the life, but the older I get I move closer to their ways and much more clearly see the benefits to it.

  8. #8
    The source of all known trouble in the universe

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    Quote Originally Posted by Brownwater Riverrat 13 View Post
    I guess my only real problem would be not being able to have my milk, ice cream and beer.............
    All three are bad for you, so, it is a win-win.
    Altar Arms - 01 FFL (772) 497-6550 - Located in Port Saint Lucie, FL
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  9. #9
    Bacon saver

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    Body by Fischer, Bronzed by the Gods! Or 170lbs of raw Tiger meat wrapped around a titanium frame..........well I still got most of what that used to be anyway, he, he.
    Be safe.............the night is your friend.



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