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Thread: US foreign Policy

  1. #11
    finally pooped
    jamesneuen's Avatar
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    Only if the heart is in the shape of butt cheeks
    Quote Originally Posted by Gunfixr View Post
    Welcome to the internet.
    One of us types in our heart and soul, and then puts it up for the world.
    Then, the rest get to interpret it.
    It is literal, or figurative?
    Sad, or happy?
    Angry, or calm?
    Just black and white words on a screen.
    Not like a conversation in person, with facial expressions, body language, tone of voice.

    Still, we here pretty much slide along without issues.
    Imagine how well we could get along in person.

    Or, we would just think each other is a bunch of assholes

  2. #12
    I'll most likely shit myself

    bacpacker's Avatar
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    To wipe my ass with maybe. How do they do for TP.

  3. #13
    may be in trouble

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    Another angle

    One of my very far right friends committed to paper, a few years back, his idea for Middle East policy:

    " The political and social culture and mind-set in the Arab sector of the Middle East is not like the culture in the United States. What we know and love as "democracy" or even "a republic" is neither valued, desired, nor, for the most part, even understood, by the vast majority of people, including those who wish to get out from under the more Draconian planks of the Sharia platform.
    They have no love for the West, even those who want nothing to do with the 9th Century aspects of Sharia law, and simply want to be left alone to live their lives by the directions indicated by their personal moral compasses.
    It therefore seems obvious that our attempts to "bring democracy to the region" is an error. We took out a madman who was a threat to the USA; good. We gave that country the opportunity to be ruled and governed in a fashion that they themselves would choose (even if that fashion is another dictator); good. We're trying to shove our system down their throats; BAD.

    Therefore, a War On Terror strategy is as follows:

    Put our best covert intel agents on the ground in the entire region; Iran, Iraq, Israel, Egypt, Jordan, Saudi Arabia, Palestine, EVERYWHERE. Make sure they are covered, and make sure they have access to what the bad guys are doing, and keep them there. (The remainder of this plan depends on our people having the most recent and most accurate intelligence.) Despite the best efforts of the Big Ears and the Alphabet-Soup Geek Squads, HUMINT (human intelligence; eyes and ears of Homo sapiens sapiens on the ground) outranks and outclasses TECHINT (technical intelligence; computer-generated stuff) and SIGINT (signals intelligence; intercepted communications) every time.

    Once this is confirmed, the next step is to contact the leaders of all the countries in the region (Iraq first, then all the others ... alphabetically in English) and give them the following message:
    "The United States of America recognizes your desire to be sovereign and to not have outsiders meddle in your affairs. We hope that, likewise, your country recognizes the United States' desire to be free from fear and from attack, whether promulgated inside or outside our borders. As pertains to attack planned from outside, we therefore make the following declaration:
    We will be withdrawing our troops at a specific date (say, ninety days from date of announcement) from the entire theater of the action presently engaged in the action commonly referred to as 'The War On Terror.'
    Once our troops have been withdrawn, your government will be held completely and exclusively responsible for all acts of hostility and terrorism perpetrated upon the United States known (or reasonably believed) to have been planned, promulgated or otherwise abetted within your country. Any act of hostility or terror enacted either within the United States or upon the interests of the United States of America, whether economic, social, political or otherwise, within or without our borders, will be considered an act of war, and we will respond with extreme prejudice. In layman's terms, when we figure out, or get a reasonable suspicion of, who aided and abetted the slugs who did the evil deed, we will turn the perpetrators' entire countries into black glass parking lots, physically incapable of sustaining human life.
    To summarize ... you can Balkanize your country into tribal homelands, what you call '-stans;" Uzbekistan, Pakistan, Aghanistan, Waziristan, Stan-and-Ollie, or what have you; you can revert to Sharia law and the 7th century C.E.; you can have inter-tribal warfare until you kill each other off; you can do anything you like, as long as it does not reach outside your own borders. The moment any of it leaks so much as a millimeter outside your frontier, the United States will consider it a threat to our national well-being, and we will step on you like a cockroach."
    The next logical step is to carry out the ultimatum. It will, of course, be necessary to have the resolve to vaporize an entire country, by whatever means necessary, but that will ensure that we are not harmed.
    Let them kill each other off. Let Iraq descend into the "civil war" that the Western media wants us to believe has already happened (it hasn't, but it should surprise no one that the media has lied to us). Let any country do whatever they want, as long as the consequences stay within their own borders (development of nuclear weapons counts as reaching outside their borders, even if they never launch one). If they stay within their own frontiers, let them kill each other off. Anything that reaches beyond is a license for us to liquefy their country."



  4. #14
    Do you have a robot?
    realist's Avatar
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    The only problem with this is if we were to react with overwhelming force to a relatively inferior county which has attacked us it might look bad to the the rest of the world because they will be butt hurt. The powers to be in Washington do not have the intestinal fortitude to follow through with this type of threat. Why, because the media will make them look bad. 9/11 the media did not to show people jumping out of buildings who choose to do that rather than burn to death. It would cast an unfavorable light on the Middle East. Yet they can show a child's body wash up on the shore. There are times you need to unleash the dogs of war to show everyone you will not back down.
    If it is predictable then it is preventable....... Gordon Graham

    So if it is predictable and preventable then you better prepare.

  5. #15
    I'll most likely shit myself

    bacpacker's Avatar
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    I agree realist. This admin will not do anything of consequence to the muzzies. Small strikes maybe, but nothing worthwhile.

    The MSN is totally complicit in molding public opinion to what the Gov wants it to be...if it is the right party. Fox included. I have said for years R and D are just different sides of the same coin. Useful idiots at best. Bush was responsible for a lot of stuff obummer is doing right now. Clinton put stuff in play for Bush.

  6. #16
    CC Gray Panther
    eagle326's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by bacpacker View Post
    I agree realist. This admin will not do anything of consequence to the muzzies. Small strikes maybe, but nothing worthwhile.

    The MSN is totally complicit in molding public opinion to what the Gov wants it to be...if it is the right party. Fox included. I have said for years R and D are just different sides of the same coin. Useful idiots at best. Bush was responsible for a lot of stuff obummer is doing right now. Clinton put stuff in play for Bush.
    Yes both sides of the coin are the same son. Back in 1968 at 17 years old and entering the Army you could see tell - tell signs of Govt. manipulation. Won't go into it here but trust me it was there. The thing was we as soldiers and brothers caught on and no matter the skin color we knew we were our own best defense for each other.

    Government turned it sights on dumbing down our youth through the school system. Once they got the 1st. 2 classes through they had their base for destroying the family unit and using race as their calling card. Feed the poor and so called under privileged blacks ;Mexicans ;Asians and whomever else fits with in their realm.

    We need not worry about who does what because they're cut from the same bolt of cloth. This is what's so great about their plan. Do as Saul Alinsky's 12 point plan points out combined with an uneducated citizenship and you've turned our Republic into a Socialistic apparatus that said generation is too stupid to even notice that they have been had until the golden ankle chains are put upon them.

    Here's my plan son.

    1- Locked & loaded
    2 - front porch w/ 2 fingers Evans Williams
    3 - A good night of catnapping
    4- Hoping I get one of them buggers before you ; Just becaue I'm old and might not get a 2nd. chance.

  7. #17
    I'll most likely shit myself

    bacpacker's Avatar
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    Alinsky's plan is in full swing today. No doubt about it.

  8. #18
    may be in trouble

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    Quote Originally Posted by eagle326
    Government turned it sights on dumbing down our youth through the school system. Once they got the 1st. 2 classes through they had their base for destroying the family unit and using race as their calling card. Feed the poor and so called under privileged blacks ;Mexicans ;Asians and whomever else fits with in their realm.

    We need not worry about who does what because they're cut from the same bolt of cloth. This is what's so great about their plan. Do as Saul Alinsky's 12 point plan points out combined with an uneducated citizenship and you've turned our Republic into a Socialistic apparatus that said generation is too stupid to even notice that they have been had until the golden ankle chains are put upon them.
    It'd be hilarious if it were not so real and so tragic.

    Quote Originally Posted by eagle326
    Here's my plan son.

    1- Locked & loaded
    2 - front porch w/ 2 fingers Evans Williams
    3 - A good night of catnapping
    4- Hoping I get one of them buggers before you ; Just becaue I'm old and might not get a 2nd. chance.
    Close. Nice big pitcher of spring water and two water glasses, two shot glasses and a bottle of Gentleman Jack Special Reserve to work on through the night. Doze a little, sip a little, swap war stories...

    I am both proud and sad to say, given things as they are, you WILL have your chance. Plural, I think, and ample ones. I do not doubt for one second that you will make them count.


  9. #19
    Do you have a robot?
    realist's Avatar
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    I see a common thread there and it is whiskey, which is what makes the world go round. Just remember God made whiskey so the Irish would not take over the world.........
    If it is predictable then it is preventable....... Gordon Graham

    So if it is predictable and preventable then you better prepare.



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