When we think of chemical or biological attacks, the first things that usually spring to mind are gas masks.

Some people run to the local Army-Navy surplus store and buy a gas mask secure in the knowledge that they will be safe in the event of an attack.

This is a mistake.

Looking at the movies you get the impression that there's nothing more to gas masks than pulling it over your face and you're safe.

The reality, however, is altogether different.

When I watch shows about preppers or read blogs or other forums, everyone posts about their gas masks. MAny of the ones I see are antiquated pieces of foreign military surplus.

Again, this is a mistake.

Gas masks are complex pieces of equipment. To use them inappropriately is potentially more dangerous that the chemical they're supposed to protect you from.

In this post, I'll attempt to lay aside the myth of the gas mask and put you in a position to make a reasoned decision on whether you should buy/ use them or not.