Quote Originally Posted by The Stig View Post
Labels are a big key. Expiration dates, contents, special instructions, etc are all good.

I'm a big fan of excel spreadsheets. Kinda dorky but you can use them to both keep track of what you have, total up what you have and keep stock fresh.

You can also consider using a to-do list or calender on your computer/ipad/phone with pop up reminders triggered on a specific date. Clearly these won't be all that handy in the middle of a event but they can help you stay on track before any sort of SHTF event.

Organization is key IMO. Not knowing where your preps are, or their state, is only slightly better than not having them at all.
Dude, we must be brothers.
Many moons ago, when excel first came out, yea THAT long ago, my first thought was what a great tool for organizing stuff.
I first started with ammo. I had stuff scattered all over the place and never really knew what I had.
Excel to the rescue. I made up a spreadsheet with separate tabs for each caliber, rifle magazine, pistol magazines, targets, accessories etc and a tab with ammo totals. I print out each tab on a separate sheet and keep them on a clip board.
Most ammo and mags are in ammo cans. I have a GTFOD can, an EDC spares can, spare desiccant can, the home defense can and a Zombie defense can. When I buy or or use anything I mark up the sheets accordingly. Anything in my range bag does not count. Anything in my current EDC loadout does not count. I update the database every few weeks and keep a copy on my phone. Works very well.
Wifey suggested doing the same with the preps. Good idea. It too works the same way only it is a single tab database and i dont have any expiration dates on it yet.
If you IM me your email address I am willing to share a copy to any one that wants.
Please note that the values on your evaluation copy may or may not represent anything I have in stock.