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Thread: Prepping Dynamics

  1. #21
    I'll most likely shit myself

    bacpacker's Avatar
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    Well stated Brother. Well stated!

  2. #22
    plenty of extra room "down his pants"
    ElevenBravo's Avatar
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    Weird stuff?
    I heard about this some time ago...

    Our tax money funded this from 1925 until 2011... Question: When was the last time the US built a helium filled dirigible?

    I point out the above, just as an example of "secret stuff" the g-v has done that didnt come to light for a LONG time.

    What will be discovered tomorrow? In the next 10 years?

    NSA's surveillance on us was a bit disturbing, the Patriot Act is scarey..

    the list goes on behind our backs.

    Last edited by ElevenBravo; 01-31-2015 at 11:45 PM.
    "Takes .357 to the field... every time..."
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  3. #23
    I'll most likely shit myself

    bacpacker's Avatar
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    NSA has been doing that well before Cell phones came out I'll bet. Most likely AT&T was giving access to outputs to their system.

    Patriot act is my biggest issue with W. It took away from anything else he did and IMO, has allowed a major hit on the Constitution.

  4. #24
    I have still yet to grow a brain
    Vodin's Avatar
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    ElevenBravo, I remember hearing about this and found it. Also if I remember properly there is/will be a permanent dirigible above California used to monitor. Monitor what.. don't know but I understand there is one.

    Found the monitoring news blip:

  5. #25
    plenty of extra room "down his pants"
    ElevenBravo's Avatar
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    Coming to a test audience near you!

    So much for PosCom!!! If we swallow it now, we will swallow it more in the future, and future, and future...

    Since the G-V has not told us there are terrorist in the CONUS, why do we need such force? Domestic terrorist? I hate to say this, but a domestic terrorist (if... there is even one) is still a US Citizen. period. So, if the force on stand by is not for terrorist, WHO is it in preparation for??

    Are we to anticipate M1's and Bradleys patrolling our neighborhoods, you know... to "stop the bad guys"? Who are the bad guys? Every time we move the goal post, the game changes.

    I remember a supervisor I had that introduced me to Buddhism told me, "The more rules you make, the more rule breakers you make". Do you see a parallel??

    Yup, things are 1984, all over again... Its all coming true IMHO. Or maybe I should be on meds?? You tell me... Im just playing "connect the dots".

    "Takes .357 to the field... every time..."
    "AR - America's Rifle"
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  6. #26
    I'll most likely shit myself

    bacpacker's Avatar
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    1984 was an interesting read. I can see lots of parallels to the US or world today.

    Have you ever read Brave New World, by Adolphus Huxley? It was somewhat telling as well.

  7. #27
    plenty of extra room "down his pants"
    ElevenBravo's Avatar
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    No, but Ill have to google it for a possible download... thx. Animal Farm is a keen reflection too...

    "Takes .357 to the field... every time..."
    "AR - America's Rifle"
    "Bushido, an honourable way of life"

  8. #28
    I'll most likely shit myself

    bacpacker's Avatar
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    Yes it is. I need to reread that one. It's been many years.

  9. #29
    looking at their tools while posting pictures of mine.
    Domeguy's Avatar
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    about 20 minutes outside Lynchburg, TN...but which way...
    What am I...prepper, survivalist, homesteader, ...I don't know. I've been waiting to read the perfect post to say 'that's it...that's me'. Some have come very close, some not so close. So here is me. As a teenager, I fell in love for the first time with a girl who had me thinking her way for a while...peace, love, save the world. I would make fun of the 80s survivalists mentality. This is where I learned 'someone has to do the work'. But while I went to work every day to support us, she stayed home and listened to music every afternoon and evening, as she didn't get up until noon and stayed up all night. This got old after awhile and led to divorce #1. Feeling down, depressed, and worthless, I shortly entered into marriage #2 by marrying the most evil, coldhearted, selfish bitch this world has ever seen. During 13 yrs of 'wedded bliss' this is where I learned 'someone had to do the work, but why the f*** does it always have to be me'. I supported my family working two jobs, working on the weekends, scraping by, just to end up with nothing. When I felt my son was old enough to get by with her if I lost, I filed for divorce and full custody, and won. My attorney latter told me he, her attorney, and the judge were talking in his chamber during a break, as her BS kept us in court all day. The judge said to her attorney, against your client, I've got this, this, this, etc. He then turned to my attorney and said, all I've got against your client is he was foolish enough to marry her. In court, when the case was over, I almost felt sorry for her, until when asked about visitation by the judge, her reply was " I don't care as long as I don't have to pay child support". Lovely, isn't she, and she didn't. I was only able to get $20 a month, until she was able to get it stopped. So I raised my son by myself until he was a teenager, and we all know how they can be. That's when I decided for the first time in my life I deserved to be happy and have a life. This is when I met the future Mrs. Domeguy. This is when I learned 'someone has to do the work, but we can do it together, and make it easier on each other'. After 13 yrs of marriage, I have never been happier. We help each other, and when I could no longer work due to health reasons, she didn't mind me staying home, and I would do all I could to make it easier on her. Am I a bit off topic, maybe so, but you will soon see where it all comes together. Until 9/11, I didn't think there was that much evil in this world. If you laid out their plot in front of me, I would have just laughed and said no, that's just silly. I was crying driving home that fateful day, so much so that I had to pull off the road. I could not get the visions I had seen on TV that day out of my mind. The world changed for me that day, as it did for so many others. I wouldn't meet Mrs. Domeguy for a couple of months yet, but I knew I wanted a wife I could love, cherish, and do my damn best to protect. This is when I unknowingly became a prepper, or what ever you want to call it. I wanted to be ready, no matter what might happen. I knew I couldn't build a stone wall around us to keep all the evil out, but maybe I could just keep it at bay. Luckily she and I think alike. She is more worried about me, and I am more worried about her. I try to anticipate her needs, as she does me. Right now I am working on a solar/battery powered mini fridge, not for my beer, but for her, to keep her insulin cold if we loose all power. We want to be able to help ourselves, our family, and community in the case of something bad happening, and not waiting for the FEMA trailer to show up. We have food, water, and a few surprises tucked away for a rainy day. Does this make us preppers, survivalists, homesteaders, or just plain crazy...I don't tell me.

    Ps. If you took the time to read all of this, thank you, but you may just be a bit crazy yourself.

  10. #30
    Crotch Rocket

    mitunnelrat's Avatar
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    I did take the time, but I don't think you're any more crazy than I am. Crazy people do not know they are crazy. We know we are. Therefore we are not...
    Consilio et animis




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