I haven't posted in a very long time, but I have been lurking quite a bit.
I have an odd situation that I'm dealing with, and was wondering if any of you who have served might be able to help.

This is a "Stolen Valor" type problem.
My step son just got out of the Army after a little over 3 years. He did basic at Ft Jackson, and then soon got stationed in S. Korea at Camp Hovey, with the 4-7 Cav. His MOS was FO, but pulled most of his time in a Bradley.
After about 2 years he was brought back stateside and spent the rest of his time in Kansas at Ft Riley with the Big Red 1.
The issue:
Since he's been home, he's started telling us that he couldn't tell us at the time, but while in Korea, he was secretly deployed to Afghanistan and saw extensive action. Stories of IED's hitting his buds in the Hum-V in front of him, A sniper killing a friend 2' away from him, Pinned down for 7 hours, Spotting for a sniper who was a friend of his also stationed at Hovey.... The list goes on. Some of the stuff sounds plausible, some of it sounds like a reach. To add to this "issue", He has always been a huge drama queen, and when he goes into these stories, you can almost hear violins playing in the back ground.
I did some checking and I found that the 5-7 Cav deployed to Afghanistan out of Hovey in Jan 2013. I'm wondering if some of the guys got back and he adopted some of their stories as his own.
Now... Let me say that if he is telling the truth, I feel like a bowl of cold $h1t with whipped cream on top for doubting him. I have the utmost respect and admiration for anyone and everyone who served in uniform, and I hate going on a witch hunt like this. If he's BS-ing us on this, As I think he is, it's going to make me sick. I'm thinking I need to take him to the wood shed.

Any ideas on how I can find out if his stories check out?... Or should I just let it go.
Thoughts and comments welcome