Many of you are in places that actually get winter and probably don't need to know or care but for those of you like me who are not so lucky.........

I would like to inform you that scorpion populations are on the rise, they can fit through the smallest cracks and while most species are not deadly they hurt like all fucking hell.

My reason for posting this is I had a bad night last night so I feel it is my duty to inform you that they are phosphorescent, meaning they will glow under a black light.

Due to my unusual sleeping patterns after surgery I was using the facilities at 0300 and managed to find one of these delightful little creatures that were kind enough to let me know of it's presence by stinging me 2 times in rapid succession. After turning on the light and killing it, I scooped up it's bits and my neighbor was kind enough to drive me to the ER to see that it was a very common though not deadly species of scorpion.

Today I installed black lights in strategic spots throughout the house on times that go on whenever it is dark.

Seeing that this is as close to winter as we get, they are coming inside to stay warm. I just found another a few minutes ago which is what prompted this post hoping this may help any of you unlucky enough to live in a place like this.