Excuse me if this has been discussed previously. I searched a bit but failed to find a thread on it.

There has been discussion regarding expiration dates on food items but what about various drugs?

Several years ago I had a horrible back problem and over several months the docs gave me several prescriptions for pain killers, gradually getting stronger from simple tylenol to Dilauded and Morphine, all in tablet or capsule form. Usually they gave something stronger as what had been prescribed a few days before was useless. I have several bottles of pain killers in my medicine cabinet that could be used in an emergency. Or could they? How long do these drugs last beyond the dates listed?

As far as antibiotics go, they are always taken for the full course, usually 10 - 14 days. I don't think I would trust these for more than maybe a year past the date.

Someone with good knowledge of drugs care to enlighten us?