Maybe this will help some who regarding SHTF. Not everyone's SHTF is the same, obviously. We all prep for what we perceive will affect us not others. Where are others may see us as crazy for not taking X into consideration it may be just routine to us.

For those of you in Hurricane areas it is kind of like out 100-year flood. Then you get the major "Tropical Depressions" heavy rains. In the 90's we had two 100-year floods in a five year period (for the life of me I don't understand their terminology I don't feel 200 years old). After the second one everyone was ready for the third only it did not come but we did have major flooding over the next five year period. So we just go in a routine to prepare for the floods, not a SHTF situation, just flooding. What we thought was routine now, was unusual to others. We made the National news periodically but did not think anything about it. I had a dear friend who call to make sure we were alright one afternoon during some heavy rains, I was puzzled since she was in Melbourne, Australia. She said she saw the flooding, not the 100-year floods on TV, and want to make sure we were not flooded out. So what is major to others in another local might just be getting to be routine to the affected area. This is truly were the insurance agent comes in and where you get to know them on a first name basis after a couple of times. So how do you plan for things like this, you just store your stuff above the last high water mark. I do not even worry about the floods any more, but look to them as a nuisance. If one road is flooded then there are three others I can take out of our area. Now if it were the earthquake I have Plan A, B, C, etc..........