Most of us have interpreted events in the past 15 years that have caused us to question the methods that .gov are using to Minority Report us - that is the preemptive crack down on crime, as a sign that we are under attack from within. On the surface many implementations sound good: make it harder for criminals (or terrorists) to do what they do for the betterment of society. But when put into practice, we begin to see the overreaching effects that these laws have on us. This fact hit home in our little hole in the wall city known as Winnipeg.

A 23 year old kid (can't call this loser a man) was detained recently for being an ISIS sympathizer. His Charleswood home (an affluent neighbourhood in the city) was raided, and he was taken into custody. He was detained because CSIS determined that he was showing support for ISIS on social media. Held for 10 days or so, he was released on bail as the crown sought to issue a peace bond against him. 25 conditions were attached to his bail, a few as follows:

Wear an electronic monitoring device around the clock.

Take part in "religious counselling" and forward the counsellor's name to RCMP.

Follow an overnight curfew (from 9 p.m. to 6 a.m. daily) and stay at his home in Winnipeg's Charleswood neighbourhood.

​Surrender any passports he has and not apply for any passport from Canada or any other country.

Not possess any desktop, laptop or tablet computer.

Any cellphone he has must be approved by RCMP, and the phone number must be submitted to police.

Provide passwords and access to his cellphone at the RCMP's request, with "such requests not to exceed two times per month."

Stay away from social media websites, including Facebook, Twitter, Kik, Surespot and Telegram encrypted chat.

Have "no contact or communication directly or indirectly with any member of ISIS, ISIL, Islamic State of Iraq and Syria and Al Qaida in Iraq."

He must also not possess anything bearing the logos or names of any of those groups.

This all sounds good for our safety - anyone found to be supporting or aligning themselves with terror or criminal groups should be arrested, charged and monitored. Lock up the bastards and throw away the key I say. Or at least I would say.

Except that he wasn't arrested. Nor charged. Nor will he be facing any criminal penalties. He was simply released. And placed with a multitude of restrictions. Many have and will argue that it's for the good of society, he is a danger. Isis is evil and all that show support for them should be considered evil. True. However that does not supersede a persons rights, especially if after investigation (and you can bet they were looking for even the most minute scrap of evidence) they could find NOTHING to charge this pos with.

The Reformicons passed a contentious bill in the House of Commons, Bill C-51, the 'anti-terrorism act' that allows this infringement on our rights as citizens. Many of the conditions imposed in this kid attack our charter of rights and freedoms:

-wear an electronic monitoring device:

7. Everyone has the right to life, liberty and security of the person and the right not to be deprived thereof except in accordance with the principles of fundamental justice.

-Take part in "religious counselling" and forward the counsellor's name to RCMP:

2. Everyone has the following fundamental freedoms:
(a) freedom of conscience and religion

-Follow an overnight curfew (from 9 p.m. to 6 a.m. daily) and stay at his home in Winnipeg's Charleswood.

9. Everyone has the right not to be arbitrarily detained or imprisoned.

-​Surrender any passports he has and not apply for any passport from Canada or any other country:

6. (1) Every citizen of Canada has the right to enter, remain in and leave Canada.

-Not possess any desktop, laptop or tablet computer.

Any cellphone he has must be approved by RCMP, and the phone number must be submitted to police.

Provide passwords and access to his cellphone at the RCMP's request, with "such requests not to exceed two times per month.":

6.2(b) to pursue the gaining of a livelihood in any province.

8. Everyone has the right to be secure against unreasonable search or seizure.

-Stay away from social media websites, including Facebook, Twitter, Kik, Surespot and Telegram encrypted chat:

(b) freedom of thought, belief, opinion and expression, including freedom of the press and other media of communication;

-Have "no contact or communication directly or indirectly with any member of ISIS, ISIL, Islamic State of Iraq and Syria and Al Qaida in Iraq."

He must also not possess anything bearing the logos or names of any of those groups:

2.(d) freedom of association.

Does this douchebag deserve these restrictions? Yes, Unquestionably yes, IF he were arrested and charged. He wasn't though. They didn't uncover any evidence to even attempt a court proceeding.

Overall how this entire ordeal was handled is in violation of the following:

15. (1) Every individual is equal before and under the law and has the right to the equal protection and equal benefit of the law without discrimination and, in particular, without discrimination based on race, national or ethnic origin, colour, religion, sex, age or mental or physical disability.

It's a slippery slope peoples. My friends in the U.S have their own constitutional challenges, much the same as ours up here in canuckistan. And it should worry each and everyone of us that any flippant remark that we say or utter, no matter how 'protected' it should be by our own legal rights and freedoms, can and will be held against us... And it won't even need to be done in a court of law.

Take the passion that ISIS, al-queda , boko haram, the branch Dravidians, or what have you, elicit out of the equation, and what you see is a clear violation against us, the people. The pot is gradually coming to a boil folks. I can only hope the frogs feel the heat before it's too late.

Thoughts? Discussions? Am I a horrible person for calling for equal and fair treatment for this POS?