You know, the whole argument of capitalism vs socialism is an argument of apples vs oranges, right?
While socialism is a form of govt, capitalism is a form of society, govt is not part of it.
The United states is a constitutional Republic.
Yes, it allows for capitalism as how society's market functions.
The purpose of the US govt has above been shown. It is to defend the nation, as a whole, and defend the rights of its people.
It's purpose is not to run businesses, or provide welfare of any type.
Things like education and welfare, if any, are under the purview of the state's. In fact, all societal things not specifically mentioned in the Constitution as being under the purview of the fedgov are left to the states.
The blanket federal income tax that we now pay is unconstitutional, only states may levy a blanket income tax.
It should be noted that before the blanket income tax started, infrastructure was as strong or stronger than it is now.
Taxes have grown as fedgov illegally sticks it's nose into more and more of the people's lives, and needs more and more money to fund these illegal programs.
Taking over things like education and healthcare have been done not for our benefit, but for more control, same as with food production.
Society is more pliant when you can control how sick they are, and what they eat, while your education programs make sure that the future generations are brought up to be good sheep, well indoctrinated.
Things like gun control will eventually not even matter.

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